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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18835216 [View]
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Some of the Gnostics of yore liked to go further and turn Old Testament stories completely on their head rather than merely rejecting them; Cain killed Abel because Abel was a doddering slave to something inhuman. Jacob was a liar and a cheat and Esau an honest man, murdered by the birthright thieving brother he forgave from beyond the grave for refusing to allow his tomb to be stolen for Jacob. Queen Esther was a whore and King Ahasuerus a drunken whoremonger duped by his court Jew Mordecai, resulting in a Jewish massacre of the local population and the prevention of Haman saving the country through a well-deserved pogrom. Enoch wasn't embraced by 'god' by being rendered an angel of Metatron, but enslaved to his will and turned into a half-living processor for the material universe- in the computational sense- and a mouthpiece for YHWH-Yaldabaoth, crucified to it in Christly fashion. So on and so forth.

As a result of this diametric opposition and relentless persecution, we have extremely bare fragments of original literature, some new reconstructive stuff by kooks who are correct but still kooks, Blavatsky and other New Age well poisoning horseshit to muddy the waters with the idea that the universe is 'evolving' and to be embraced rather than destroyed, and worst of all extra faux-gnostic cults in Freemasonry and the Kaballic tradition in general which embrace the enemy they cannot strangle, and claim to oppose YHWH-Yaldabaoth as 'Adonai' and to love 'Lucifer' in the form of a mincing, knowledge-withholding, blood sacrifice craving false idol of your Molochite Bohemian Grover sort. In other words, a creature that does not resemble Lucifer-Prometheus in the slightest, who led Man to the Apple completely free of charge and at great cost to himself, ensuring that Man would be on the course to reuniting with Heaven rather than being an eternal animal in the garden, devoid of active spirit.

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