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>> No.14529445 [View]
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68er leftism fused with cold war liberalism and corporatism into a globalist therapeutic managerial state bent on total psychological and ideological normalisation. Leftists are the end product of this system, not happy liberated individuals or empowered revolutionaries, but helpless and dependent therapeutic subjects, wracked by an indelible sense of guilt, ceaselessly talking about their ''mental illness'', detached from any meaningful tradition and clinging to hollow patient/victim/consumer identities. Identity politics leftism allows the middle class and even the elites to position themselves as the true wretched of the earth, while providing a quasi religious justification for psychiatric power and managerial governance. I think Humans are no longer at the wheel, increasingly we are charges of the technological system. Involvement with the 'culture war' and the media spectacle can only be seen a strategical liability in what are already shaping up as 'interesting times'

right wing liberals are for the most part uncritical of economics and technology. Locke's and Jefferson's views were the product of a very specific cultural/religious context and socioeconomic structure. Dissident protestantism, rural anglosaxon gentry, modern corporate capitalism is a different beast entirely and requires increasingly intrusive mechanisms of psychopolitical management. There is a correlation between individualist identity and bourgeoisie smallholder property structures, but it is also important to take into account the role of christian subjectivation(prayer, care of the soul), literary culture over new media etc. Modern right wing liberals display worrisome tendencies. idolatric science/technology worship, race science, obsession with new age fads like westernised ''buddhism'', transhumanism, and psychedelics. Both 'right' and 'left' serve the same technological consolidation of power.

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