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>> No.20739201 [View]
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But I did reject Christ and lead others away from him with all the typical atheist arguments you see all the time. However it was done out of arrogance and ignorance rather than a rejection in the sense of coming to know/understand God/Christ and then still willfully rejecting their salvation. It was blasphemy out if a place of non belief in either so maybe that makes a difference in God's eyes?

>> No.20514905 [View]
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how bad is it to break a promise to God? I had promised God I would fast today to attone myself for a previous sin but then my mom texted me last night wanting me to come over for dinner today. My family is such a blessing to me and eating dinner at my parents house is genuinely one of my favorite things. In a way it almost feels as though I am being tested by God. That although family should be cherished and loved, God (and promises made to him) should take precedence over that.

I would've had no problem fasting today and keeping my promise but I really want to eat dinner at my parents house now what do I do?

>> No.20509614 [View]
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Fug. About to finish 2nd Kings and took a brief look ahead at Chronicles. Looks like some rough reading.
>x is the son of x is the son of x is the son of x

>> No.20480950 [View]
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Thoughts on BibleProject? I've been watching the videos after each book I finish. But the animations make me wonder if im watching something that could be pozzed by globohomo

>> No.20474072 [View]
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I haven't read about satan yet because I'm only in 2 Samuel.

Why is he called satan instead of lucifer?
Does he "rule" over hell as how he is depicted in pop culture to be a sort of king of hell. Or is he just a very powerful being that's stuck there? But he also has influence on earth and on human beings?

I only know kind of vaguely that he was an angel that challenged God's authority and was cast out of heaven or something.

>> No.20454408 [View]
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>catholics: protestants are heretics whose doctrine is infiltrated by satan!
>protestants: catholics are heretics whose doctrine is infiltrated by satan!

so who's actually right here can we settle this once and for all?

>> No.20443296 [View]
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Well another reason I'm thinking of going there is because it's actually refreshing to see that many white people gathered in one place. I was watching their youtube channel and I honestly can't remember the last time I saw such a large gathering of like 98% white people. I also checked out the local catholic church but that was like 95% hispanics, and not that I hate non whites but I don't think there's anything wrong with having a social preference towards your own race/culture that shares the same values as you.

And yeah it's a mega church but the preaching is very conservative and traditional which I like. But also they seem to do a lot of good with the money. The church runs multiple charities. For example a couple years ago they were in the news for paying off over $9million of the towns medical debt, about 4000 people had their medical debts paid off by the church.

>> No.20425193 [View]
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Catholics... what is their problem? I was listening to a podcast about the origins of the KJV last night. At one point the Catholic church was book burning any translated Bibles they found. If you were caught attempting to translate the Bible from Latin you would be burned alive. Not only would you be burned alive, but you would be tortured to confess to whoever else you let read the Bible and they would be burned alive as well. And if you had a family and an English Bible was found in your home, you and your entire family would be burned alive and the church would just steal your property.

All so they could control the biblical narrative and did not want the common folk to be able to read the Bible for themselves.

What the fug. Sounds like satan to me

>> No.20407232 [View]
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what's the final rule on gays? I've read in Deuteronomy that God detest them but apparently new testament changes a lot of the rules. Personally I don't really like them and definitely don't think children should be raised by them. But at the same time I feel as though it's not my job to judge them and that many of them are only gay due to the pervasive and satanic culture that is sweeping up everybody into it.

And also at the same time I feel disgusted any time I see one of those ticktocks with a gay pastor doing some fruity little dance and posting pro gay shit.

So I don't like them. But feel like I shouldn't judge them. But by not wanting to associate with them and that culture am I not judging them?

It's all very confusing. What is the Bible's verdict on it?

>> No.20405541 [View]
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what's the rule on pork? I'm still in old testament (Judges) but I do remember it saying several times not to eat pork. Yet most Christians eat it anyways. Is it allowed or not?

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