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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18789736 [View]
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Philip K. Dick's novels are good for this. None of them exactly, I think, predicted the current mess we're in, but overall the mixture of the mundane, the plucky average bourgeois schmuck living his day-to-day life and trying to just get by best as he can, with the increasingly dystopian and the heartless political rulers presenting a fake picture of reality to the masses, is PKD all the way through. He even had Bible-like experiences himself.

"Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said" is one of my favorites. Also, at times like these, the works of conspiracy theorists are surprisingly relevant. William Cooper's "Behold A Pale Horse" is far from right about everything, but he was warning about the socialist U.N.-backed takeover of the planet decades ago, and even was talking about the risk of bioengineered pandemics then forced vaccines in some interview of his with CNN (when CNN wasn't quite so pozzed as it was now and was willing to give people like him some airtime, even if it was just to see what "America's crazy conspiracy theorists" think).

Get this: in the 1990s, he was warning about how the threat of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism on the one hand, and of White supremacist/patriot/militia American domestic terrorism on the other hand, would be used to justify disarming the American people and furthering the creation of a totalitarian police state.

This is going to sound like FaceBook boomer stuff more fit for /pol/ or /x/ but it's worth looking through if it piqued your interest. I'll dig up the relevant quotes in a second.


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