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>> No.23589392 [View]
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In my opinion, what's missing from Evola's books, especially in Ride the tiger, and what nobody talks about, is how to discover oneself, how to find one's properly traditional essence, and not fall into the modern self-made-man. So, if you have any research proposals, I'm open...

>> No.23314192 [View]
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>> No.22072355 [View]
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Are you ready for the real esoteric truthpill? Western and Eastern culture are at their cores identical - it is just the methods that differ. The Russians are the "Godbearing people" - the greatest man is he whose inner saint is closest to heaven. But the same applies for the West. "Individualism" is just a supremely degenerated form of the aristocratic-heroic vocation that was once upon a time the defining feature of Western man.
Western man used to look at God coldly but respectfully, from a great distance. Eastern man used to look at God from close up and at his best he actually looked for God inwards, but her looked at him with humility.
Now, both Western man and Russian man have lost their ways, lost in a forgetful stupor ignorant of their inner radiance, their spiritual heritage.
The golden crown has been trampled in the dirt by crazed masses chasing blood and copper coins.

>> No.22070725 [View]
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Took me like 13 rereads to properly understand the book and I am sure that there's more I am still missing. I always find it really astonishing when guys like you just act like RtT is so easy to use and interpret - do you think it makes you look smart and badass? It just makes me think you are superficial.
You don't need to go to war to benefit at least partly from Evola's advice on soldiering. Although you could certainly go to war if you want. There are a number of interesting conflicts currently raging in various parts of the world. The issue examined in RtT is such: Traditional Man has connections to both matter and spirit, and he wants to forge his, shall we say, raw material, into a complete and consistent being. To do that, he needs to master himself. Self-mastery is usually supported by a quest. This quest provides you with the process - the technical side of subjugating the body to the spirit - and the meaning - the influence that drags you along to the completion of the goal. Now, according to Evola, the modern world is meaningless, so you have to tap into your own meaning and find your own "inner law" or "inner form" - something that is meaningful IN AND OF ITSELF for you. And you test it to confirm that this is the choice for you. And then you commit to the quest until you've fully subjugated Life to Spirit.
If you find being a badass soldier meaningful in and of itself, then a career in the military works fine even today. Evola himself noted that within the special forces of the major militaries, a certain valuable culture still exists. And I think this is still the case today. If the goal is meaningful to you, you can certainly go and test yourself at the special forces, and they will put you through the right training and stress in order to help you complete yourself. What you choose to do afterwards is another matter. If you ever get there, I could probably help you work through the process. But I doubt we will speak again. Evola's corpus has the answer for any possible future problems as well, so I am sure you will understand them when you need to and are ready to. But they are not always pleasant, fun answers.
I read Evola without reading a lick of Nietzsche and I did perfectly fine. Generally speaking, I have found that every time someone has told me "X is necessary, essential reading for Y", my experience has shown me the opposite.
Good question lol. Other than the ascetic vocation, the only thing I can think of is just sticking to your caste dharma - be physically strong, well-educated, principled, and await a time when your qualities may become important, while not dishonouring your spiritual nature. But few people are characterised by their sense of duty to such an extent as to make this their only reason. For my part, I am following my intuition and hoping for the best. Our spirits are already complete anyway.

>> No.19272220 [View]
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>If this is the case, it sounds to me like there is an implicit "end of the world" in your interpretation: an equilibrium at which point all souls have either reintegrated into the Monad (never to fall back out into the material world)
In this view "souls" do not belong to the plane of the Monad, they are instead interpreted as almost physical objects. The soul is viewed as the emotional-psychological complex, not as an independent principle in itself. The spirit-principle is a form of Monad consciousness the manifestation of which is not restricted and cannot "run out", so to speak, but from our point of view we still absolutely cannot afford to have this principle abruptly and passively return to the unmanifest Monad at death.
>I'm curious if you've read Evola's Yoga of Power, and if you haven't I would strongly recommend that, particularly the appendix on the Bardos
I am currently reading through Yoga of Power after skimming it maybe a dozen times. The Bardo chapter is the one bit of the book that I read first, though, and I have read it multiple times. The way I understand it is that the Bardo refers to the shifting of states - with the body dissolved, the rest of the person which has survived as a result of purification practices now needs to "re-learn" or "remember" how to act without a body, if you will. You are correct that there is no permanent afterlife other than liberation, but liberation is also the only afterlife as far as I am concerned. What is reborn through the Samsaric soul or the "daemon of Life", to use Evola's words, has no relation to the differentiated personality other than through being made up of the same "atoms". The spirit-principle that would inhabit a "reincarnated soul" would be individuated in a completely different way from its previous iteration.

>> No.19259156 [View]
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Ask me anything about Evola.
Take your meds schizo.

>> No.19258843 [View]
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Evola's Ride The Tiger simultaneously killed me and gave me new life, if that counts.

>> No.18637060 [View]
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>And you? What was your biggest “oh shit” moment while reading?
Reading The Doctrine of Awakening and Ride the Tiger by Evola. Started off as a jaded materialist, then I finally found the means to overcome that. I still have a lot of work to do, but now I have a way to orient myself in the world, which is invaluable to me.

>> No.18508350 [View]
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in some cases yes but I think most people aside from the truly morally depraved don't want to fuck kids no?

>> No.18293058 [View]
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>btfos both atheism AND theism
Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.18194127 [View]
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>> No.18176767 [View]
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Presumably because you haven't looked anywhere else. Most mentions of Evola that I have seen have been on Twitter. There is also plenty of content about him on YouTube and other video platforms. There are even a couple of small subreddits where you can occasionally see him discussed. I have seen Evola get mentioned on every platform I have used. He's probably even more prominent on other platforms like Telegram, VK, etc. AFAIK he's pretty popular with fringe Russian political activists.

>> No.17603463 [View]
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Evola, but only in the 1960s.

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