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>> No.23473228 [View]
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>On a deep winter's night when a wild, pounding snowstorm rages around the cabin and veils and covers everything, that is the perfect time for philosophy. Then its questions must become simple and essential. Working through each thought can only be tough and rigorous. The struggle to mold something into language is like the resistance of the towering firs against the storm.

>> No.23255794 [View]
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>> No.19897958 [View]
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>> No.19830806 [View]
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>Well you see, if we put hyphens between the prefix and the stem of the word we can start a whole new philosophy.

>> No.19012024 [View]
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>According to Tomonobu Imamichi, Heidegger's concept of Dasein in Sein und Zeit was inspired – although Heidegger remained silent on this – by Okakura Kakuzō's concept of das-in-der-Welt-sein (being-in-the-worldness) expressed in The Book of Tea to describe Zhuangzi's philosophy, which Imamichi's professor Ito Kichinosuke had offered to Heidegger in 1919, after having followed private lessons with him the year before:[2]

>‘Ito Kichinosuke, one of my teachers at university, studied in Germany in 1918 immediately after the First World War and hired Heidegger as a private tutor. Before moving back to Japan at the end of his studies, Professor Ito handed Heidegger a copy of Das Buch vom Tee, the German translation of Okakura Kakuzo’s The Book of Tea, as a token of his appreciation. That was in 1919. Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) was published in 1927 and made Heidegger famous. Mr. Ito was surprised and indignant that Heidegger used Zhuangzi’s concept without giving him credit. Years later in 1945, Professor Ito reminisced with me and, speaking in his Shonai dialect, said, ‘Heidegger did a lot for me, but I should’ve laid into him for stealing’. There are other indications that Heidegger was inspired by Eastern writings, but let’s leave this topic here. I have heard many stories of this kind from Professor Ito and checked their veracity. I recounted this story at a reception held after a series of lectures I gave in 1968 at the University of Heidelberg at the invitation of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Japanese exchange students attended these lectures, and I explained that there were many other elements of classical Eastern thought in Heidegger’s philosophy and gave some examples. I must have said too much and may even have said that Heidegger was a plagiarist (Plagiator). Gadamer was Heidegger’s favorite student, and we ended up not speaking to each other for 4 or 5 years because he was so angry with me’ (Imamichi 2004, pp. 123–124).[3][4]

>> No.18920553 [View]
File: 159 KB, 1010x1500, heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know why but this photo never fails to make me laugh

>> No.18676475 [View]
File: 159 KB, 1010x1500, heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory hilarious photo

>> No.18624268 [View]
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>> No.18560833 [View]
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idk and desu i dont really care i just wanted to come in here and share this photo of Heidegger that always makes me laugh

>> No.18533628 [View]
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Who could dislike this innocent man?

>> No.18511691 [View]
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>> No.18225478 [View]
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>> No.18220615 [View]
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>"God lets the oppositional will of the ground operate in order that might be which love unifies and subordinates itself to for the glorification of the Absolute. The will of love stands about the will of the ground and this predominance, this eternal decidedness, the love for itself as the essence of being in general, this decidedness is the innermost core of absolute freedom."
>"Philosophy will not be able to effect an immediate transformation of the present condition of the world. This is not only true of philosophy, but of all merely human thought and endeavor. Only a god can save us. The sole possibility that is left for us is to prepare a sort of readiness, through thinking and poeticizing, for the appearance of the god or for the absence of the god in the time of foundering [Untergang] for in the face of the god who is absent, we founder. Only a God Can Save Us."
>"For us contemporaries the greatness of what is to be thought is too great. Perhaps we might bring ourselves to build a narrow and not far reaching footpath as a passageway."
>"God has always been with me."

>> No.18185192 [View]
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>> No.17842804 [View]
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always did

>> No.17618291 [View]
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>Unites Hegel and Aristotle

>> No.17569015 [View]
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Every important figure in Western thought is refuted and proved by Heidegger.

>> No.17234815 [View]
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How does James Joyce fit into Heidegger's history of aesthetics? Does he say anything meaningful about being, or is it ultimately the failed experimentation-artwork created only as a means in which to feel a large and more complicated emotion in response to a growingly empty people in their everyday?

>> No.17107471 [View]
File: 159 KB, 1010x1500, DA95785D-DF04-4A0D-8322-6553CF03C307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw death is the horizon of all my possibilities but despite the mine-ness of my death I shall never know it

>> No.17034250 [View]
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It just is.

I love him so much.

>> No.16714893 [View]
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>HEIDEGGER: I am convinced that a change can only be prepared from the same place in the world where the modern technological world originated. It cannot come about by the adoption of Zen Buddhism or other Eastern experiences of the world. The help of the European tradition and a new appropriation of that tradition are needed for a change in thinking. Thinking will only be transformed by a thinking that has the same origin and destiny.

>SPIEGEL: At exactly the spot where the technological world originated, it must, you think...

>HEIDEGGER:...be transcended (aufgehoben) in the Hegelian sense, not removed, transcended, but not by human beings alone.

>SPIEGEL: Do you allocate a special task specifically to the Germans?

>HEIDEGGER: Yes, in that sense, in dialogue with Hölderlin.

>SPIEGEL: Do you think that the Germans have a specific qualification for this change?

>HEIDEGGER: I am thinking of the special inner relationship between the German language and the language and thinking of the Greeks. This has been confirmed to me again and again today by the French. When they begin to think they speak German. They insist that they could not get through with their own language.

>SPIEGEL: Is that how you would explain the very strong effect you have had in the Romance countries, particularly in France?

>HEIDEGGER: Because they see that they cannot get through today’s world with all their rationality when they are attempting to understand it in the origin of its essence. Thinking can be translated as little as poetry can. At best it can be paraphrased. As soon as a literal translation is attempted, everything is transformed.

>SPIEGEL: A disquieting thought.

>HEIDEGGER: It would be good if this disquiet would be taken seriously on a large scale and if it would finally be considered what a momentous transformation Greek thinking suffered when it was translated into Roman Latin, an event that still bars our way today to sufficient reflection on the fundamental words of Greek thinking.

>SPIEGEL: Professor, we would actually always optimistically assume that something could be communicated and even translated, because if this optimism that contents of thinking can be communicated despite language barriers ceases, then provincialism threatens.

>HEIDEGGER: Would you call Greek thinking provincial in contrast to the mode of ideas of the Roman Empire? Business letters can be translated into all languages. The sciences (today science already means the natural sciences, with mathematical physics as the basic science) can be translated into all the world’s languages. Put more correctly, they are not translated, but rather the same mathematical language is spoken. We are touching here on an area that is broad and hard to cover.

"Thought cannot be translated."


>> No.16655429 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Nietzsche became a nihilist in the end
Was he right?

>> No.16653840 [View]
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Wittgenstein was good and all, but Heidegger is literally a mystical hierophant who stands unique in all of human history as the personal fulfiller of its revelation of being, and prophet un-historically chosen by God himself as a pure dialogue conjured as it were from Heaven direct.

>> No.16501313 [View]
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>avoid anyone into Aristotle, Nietzsche
bitch is going miss out on this cutie

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