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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23527892 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1576430789557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw a webm of a pajeet being turned into origami by an elephant

>> No.22600599 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1576430789557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since yesterday i suddenly became acutely aware of death and the impermanence of life, and it's freaking me the fuck out. Like it just suddenly dawned on me that everything and everybody i know and care about will die, as will i, and i dont know how to deal with it.

>> No.22525547 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1576430789557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, is that the same guy?

>The State of Mississippi made it a capital crime if a murder is committed on the property of a school.[27]

>In 2003, Sledge pleaded guilty to unrelated federal charges of having purchased an illegal and untraceable machine gun online. Sledge's involvement in the shooting was addressed at sentencing. "I think we're dealing with a brilliant mind. I hope we're not dealing with an [sic] Hannibal Lecter," Judge Barbour said of Sledge, to which U.S. Attorney Dunn Lampton replied, "That's what concerns me. He has the ability to manipulate...He was a lot closer to Luke Woodham than he led the court to believe. That's what's disturbing to me."[28]

>Dr. James Justin Sledge is a prominent member of the academic religious community and runs the YouTube channel ESOTERICA. He states on his website that he is not available for comment on the shooting.[29]

Holy shit

>> No.22291879 [View]
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Taking a look at /x/ threads really shows the magnitude of how insane the things a person can wholeheartedly believe are.
In their minds, in their hearts, whatever it is they believe is real and even dangerous. But to me it is just a bunch of fucking nonsense that I can just ignore, make fun of, or exploit.
There's a lot of people like that in my life. People who will believe anything. I feel like I have the power to make them see and feel things if I say them with enough conviction and theatrics. Like scaring a child.
Yet at the same time I feel the same way about my own beliefs. Something as simple as the earth being round could be wrong and fucking stupid but I still believe it wholeheartedly. Why? Because someone with conviction and theatrics told me. And when you get down to it, all the shit I've believe all my life (like evolution) is laughably absurd to others, has holes, requires some degree of faith.

It's fucking scary thinking like this, like staring down into a huge abyss. If I don't cling to my normalfaggot beliefs I will become a schizophrenic.

>> No.21819598 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, BBC2A4DF-E712-41E9-A337-4BCA7C0D3901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when bloom jerks off watching the girl and after he finishes he sees she’s a cripple

>> No.21752549 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1676045000389568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many hours a day do you feel hyper-aware of your own, impending doom?
How do youi cope with it?
I mean a mental distress so acute it actually hurts your body and takes away alll joy from life.
What do you do to pull yourself out of death?

>> No.21728401 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1576430789557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... that was an 8 year old girl

>> No.21709834 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, ohboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he knows

>> No.21630808 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 577550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Nurning bros?

>> No.21615942 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 00B1DE27-1A90-48C9-957C-1C41E19D3529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>talking to a group of people
>use a word I’ve only read before never heard spoken
>mispronounce word
>it’s all over

>> No.21444181 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, sweating pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21408775 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1576430789557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw a webm of some argentinian falling and bending his knee the wrong way
Why do joint injuries make me cringe so hard? Theyre worse than most gore.

>> No.21264622 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1576430789557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, to be honest ive never really played Guild Wars, i just wanted to post that picture

>> No.20203275 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, sweating pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20007313 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, ED08D662-E8F8-4A30-A7FC-8606FE87009B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity.

>Confirming previous conclusions, the new analysis showed that the correlation between intelligence and religious beliefs in college and noncollege samples ranged from -.20 to -.23.

>The negative association between cognitive intelligence (CI) and religiosity has been widely studied and is now well documented.

>Recent research has indicated a negative relation between the propensity for analytic reasoning and religious beliefs and practices.

>Participants more willing to engage in analytic reasoning were less likely to endorse supernatural beliefs. Further, an association between analytic cognitive style and religious engagement was mediated by religious beliefs, suggesting that an analytic cognitive style negatively affects religious engagement via lower acceptance of conventional religious beliefs.

>Our results indicate that the association between analytic thinking and religious disbelief is not caused by a simple order effect. There is good evidence that atheists and agnostics are more reflective than religious believers.

Christbros…. we got too cocky

>> No.19835819 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, A2AC50E3-D486-46DF-A247-3A8F86A67E2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity.

>Confirming previous conclusions, the new analysis showed that the correlation between intelligence and religious beliefs in college and noncollege samples ranged from -.20 to -.23.

>The negative association between cognitive intelligence (CI) and religiosity has been widely studied and is now well documented.

>Recent research has indicated a negative relation between the propensity for analytic reasoning and religious beliefs and practices.

>Participants more willing to engage in analytic reasoning were less likely to endorse supernatural beliefs. Further, an association between analytic cognitive style and religious engagement was mediated by religious beliefs, suggesting that an analytic cognitive style negatively affects religious engagement via lower acceptance of conventional religious beliefs.

>Our results indicate that the association between analytic thinking and religious disbelief is not caused by a simple order effect. There is good evidence that atheists and agnostics are more reflective than religious believers.

>What age or period of life is the most addicted to superstition? The weakest and most timid. What sex? The same answer must be given.
—David Hume, Natural History of Religion

>On this question, the pronouncements of highly learned men are so varied and so much at odds with each other that inevitably they strongly suggest that the explanation is human ignorance, and that the Academics have been wise to withhold assent on matters of such uncertainty; for what can be more degrading than rash judgement, and what can be so rash and unworthy of the serious and sustained attention of a philosopher, as either to hold a false opinion or to defend without hesitation propositions inadequately examined and grasped?
—Cicero, The Nature of the Gods, 1.1

Bros, there must be a reason God set it up this way… right??

>> No.19721029 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1641002032274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The erotic relation of men to youths was the necessary and sole preparation, to a degree unattainable to our comprehension, of all manly education (pretty much as for a long time all higher education of women was only attainable through love and marriage). All idealism of the strength of the Greek nature threw itself into that relation, and it is probable that never since have young men been treated so attentively, so lovingly, so entirely with a view to their welfare (virtus) as in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C.
—Friedrich Nietzche, Human, All Too Human 259

>What does our chatter about the Greeks amount to! What do we understand of their art, the soul of which is passion for naked male beauty!
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak, Aphorism 170

>Even the boldest remained still before Holbein's self-portrait in the hall of drawings! And I now struggled futilely in Nietzsche's presence to define the magical attraction of that wonderful portrait. It did not help that I so-to-speak traced line after line of that face. This approach was powerless to describe the expression of fully developed manhood combined with the charm of fresh youth (Holbein's self-portrait, as is known, presents him without a beard). And I failed to capture even the individual traits in their full value. I faltered when I came to the mouth. I could see the lips before me. So fully rounded yet so energetically closed! Not avid, yet as if created for pleasure!
>"A mouth . . .," I stammered bewilderedly.
>"A mouth to kiss!"
>Disconcertedly I looked aside. Truly, it was Nietzsche who had spoken, in an attitude and a tone which seemed to contrast most strangely with the mildly sensual coloration of his words. For leaning far back in his armchair, his head bowed onto his chest and his arms hanging limply on the armrests, he seemed to have spoken out of a dream rather than as a comment on my report.
—Ludwig von Scheffler's recollection of Nietzsche

>> No.19705169 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1641002032274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity.

>Confirming previous conclusions, the new analysis showed that the correlation between intelligence and religious beliefs in college and noncollege samples ranged from -.20 to -.23.

>The negative association between cognitive intelligence (CI) and religiosity has been widely studied and is now well documented.

>Recent research has indicated a negative relation between the propensity for analytic reasoning and religious beliefs and practices.

>Participants more willing to engage in analytic reasoning were less likely to endorse supernatural beliefs. Further, an association between analytic cognitive style and religious engagement was mediated by religious beliefs, suggesting that an analytic cognitive style negatively affects religious engagement via lower acceptance of conventional religious beliefs.

>Our results indicate that the association between analytic thinking and religious disbelief is not caused by a simple order effect. There is good evidence that atheists and agnostics are more reflective than religious believers.

>What age or period of life is the most addicted to superstition? The weakest and most timid. What sex? The same answer must be given.
—David Hume, Natural History of Religion

>On this question, the pronouncements of highly learned men are so varied and so much at odds with each other that inevitably they strongly suggest that the explanation is human ignorance, and that the Academics have been wise to withhold assent on matters of such uncertainty; for what can be more degrading than rash judgement, and what can be so rash and unworthy of the serious and sustained attention of a philosopher, as either to hold a false opinion or to defend without hesitation propositions inadequately examined and grasped?
—Cicero, The Nature of the Gods, 1.1

I don’t feel so good religious bros…

>> No.19699267 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1641002032274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.
—Sura 52, verse 24
>There will circulate among them young boys made eternal.
—Sura 56, verse 17
>There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.
—Sura 76, verse 19

OH no no no muslim bros..

>> No.19622235 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1621185872884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um no. They had a comfy dance together, had a good laugh and then split ways. RIGHT?

>> No.19350571 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, 1576430789557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im under investigation
for what

>> No.19236616 [View]
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i unironically knew that. Not because i read the book, but because Voldy says that in movie 1 after showing his face for the first time, which gave me fucking nightmares as a kid

>> No.19159887 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19059335 [View]
File: 237 KB, 640x604, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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