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>> No.22369059 [View]
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oh latin also, it irritates me to read some translations. i did my own of some of martials and the rewording of one small phrase changes the entire verse, it is the same as anything else.

if in one culture XYZ means ABC, then when you read XYZ as ZYX you're not reading it correctly.
this is obvious in retrospect

>> No.22169893 [View]
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oh that's a pretty deep rabbit hole. Do you want to learn about the widely-known and widely-ignored homosexual-pedophile rape culture of english boarding schools circa 1890-1930? It's very bad.

>> No.21503915 [View]
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It definitely is monogamy though; in its mental inception as a cultural "thing", in that: if you beat and rape a man today you're supposed to be a homosexual when previously you were just Strong Man simply humiliating a bad person.

It's more interesting at this point how this does't seem to sink into the mind of people at all, the great difference between the thing for millennia vs. that of today. I can only figure it's a public relations spin thing to avoid having to deal with the psychopathic little boys raping other little boys in English schools in the 1910's.

>> No.21234999 [View]
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eh the modernish take on it, or the error, rather, is that when you're doing irrumare to a greek or a christian that somehow "you love him and want to marry him", or that when you kidnap your rivals eldest son and force him into pedicare with your slaves that it's a romantic and delicate thing. It's a weird kind of sanitization, I suppose, or it's an apologism at worst, to make out like violent acts werent happening.

Good example is the rampant violent pedicare in english boarding schools in the 1910s; older boys beating the dogshit out of small children and raping them.

>> No.20987039 [View]
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>is a low iq take
ehh highly debatable. There's far more of a argument to be made that the notion of claiming the Ancient Greeks were "all gay" is a libel that became attractive or a self-justification for 'some' English people when they were raping small boys as slightly older boys in boarding schools - which is where the word faggot came from. There's actually a great deal of buried literature talking about this, from the experience of victims and witnesses from the late 1800's and early 1900's.

I always find it rather amusing how 'people' seem to think that putting your cock into a mans bottom will grant you magic powers; that "being gay" somehow grants you a functional brain. It is really weird how the hyper-feminine white person is portrayed like this, when many of them are clearly suffering from undiagnosed mania and bio-polar disorder which they believe(?) is their 'gayness'. I think in this instance you're trying to put across the idea that Spartans or Romans or Pontic civilizations were like the modern day "mincing poofters" or some modern trope.

In fact really when you get down to the recent modern and near modern examples you find the thing to be completely contrived through actual distinctions in education and class; a poorly uneducated working class person despises the educated person and tells them that they're gay, whereas the upper class or educated person tends to despise, in turn, the "stupid breeder" of the working class. it doesn't really have anything to do with a sex act, of course, but a division which was once explained by class, which still exists, and a way to rationalize it without talking about class or intelligence.

Moreover, undermining all of that, is the absurdity of a person basing their entire life on a small 5 minute sexual act. Something that probably only exists due to social repression and concealing of sexuality, making it all seem far more important and interesting than it actually is itself.

that's what I think anyway.

>> No.20919062 [View]
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Chadwick crossed the room with his satin pants causing much friction 'twist his legs, and when he had reached the Bavarian Piano that was being strummed merrily by Mrs. Forthcritch and Mr. Norbel he cast asunder his breastcoat flap and produced a parchment of Austrian ink strains,

"play this!" he scoffed in his high-pitched overly effeminate voice, thinking he played upon them the jape as knowing as he did that neither could surely do so.

Chadwick held the parchment in mid-air, snurling at the beghasted faces of the two elderly people, and then he cried aloud, "haw!" he shouted, "done gotten you, what!" and he secreted the parchment back beneath his flaps and strode back to his elderly mother, taking his seat beside her for to finish his thimblesworth of sherry.

"I say," growled Vice-Roy Pengraves to Admiral Plum, "in my day we would've raped that boy night and day."

Admiral Plum, his face a constant caricature of indigestion and disgust, nodded into his glass, "t'was a dally sham," he said in an agreeable tone, "for the spanish stick, what, across the old scrotum, what," and he guffawed, "to make the blighter wince and cry."

The Vice-Roys hand tightened upon his sword hilt, he caught Chadwicks eye and leered at him, sending the boy to perturbation, and then he himself crossed the room, bowed galantly to Chadwicks elderly mother and, making his excuses for matters of import, he led Chadwick out of the drawing room and own the corridor a into the stables, with Plum waddling in pursuit.

No sooner had the negro slave and irish foreman been paid off then Pengraves gave a might crack to the back of Chadwicks spine and cut away his trousers revealing a most womanish fillys mare.

"My, my!" chortled Plum, loosening his britches, "a maiden fair without a hair, what," he mused, "to be done!"

And then they fucked Chad. And I mean fucked him.

>> No.20692716 [View]
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>Graves goes on to claim, "In English preparatory and public schools romance is necessarily homosexual. The opposite sex is despised and treated as something obscene. Many boys never recover from this perversion. For every one born homosexual, at least ten permanent pseudo-homosexuals are made by the public school system

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