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>> No.16815240 [View]
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Okay, let's put this thread and the young boy to bed. I will give you your so needed refutation if that is good enough to make you shut the fuck up and provide space for new threads to spawn on /lit/. But so you know, you should have thanked all of the previous anons, even those who called you a nigger instead of a retard who can't put together a proper sentence, IN HIS NATIVE LANGUAGE. Nigger.
So after the kind anon gave us a summary of what is going on i decided to figure what your point is, upon what ground that non existant theory of yours stand. Would that be the Jarvi's problem? Your youtube channel confirms that this is indeed the case. Five months ago the kid after intense google search and thinking grabbed a pen, a piece of paper, and decided to save the world from itself. Those marvel movies really fucked with his head, i bet he wore a cape when he drew the >pic related. My dear hero.
You suggest that each question should be answered with another question. First mistake. All those questions have plenty of good answers and i will give you my favorites.

>Do words have meaning?
There is a whole school of philosophy around this questions. And it is indeed a fine one. Short answer is Yes, they have meaning. Do they have only one meaning? No, a word depending on how and when it is used it can mean a lot of different things. Are these meanings static? No, they change through history. Words are meaningful and if they were not then why would you try to express yourself using them? If, i hear you say, it is a matter of expression, then please stick to drawing i really like those straight lines you drew.

>Can i know anything?
Yes you can know something but not everything. And even if you know something there is no guarantee that you know everything about that something. Our understanding of things is indeed limited, and it can only take us that far. The rest is a wild guess and those wild guesses distinguish true intellectuals from the niggers of your kind.

>Does logic exist?
Doesn't it exist? It exists, but the way you describe and try to apply logic is not making the term any justice. If logic was as absolute as people want to think, then there would be no space for emotional reactions. How many times did you act based on your emotions? Does that make you an absurd being? No, that just makes you a human. Logic can't be applied always. If it could, we would already have the perfect templates that dictate and predefine all action. (That last part is something that Dosto said, got to give him the credits).

>Does anything exist?
Yes, the only thing that doesn't exist is the idea you have for yourself and your "theory". As i said stick to the shallow waters of the pool, there, your feet will never have to leave the net of safety.

Please go to bed and take a sci fi novel with you.

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