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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.13944941 [View]
File: 67 KB, 361x464, 0503-CWCAsh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you for real?

The gang stumbles down the street, drunkenly cackling and blowing smoke. Suddenly, five men emerge from an alleyway, fumbling with bats and two-by-fours. They were all sporting red hoodies.

"Shit, it's the fucking Razors," one of the Spiked Hairs hissed. Then, silence set in as the two parties sized each other up. Some fool walks out of an apartment lobby, absorbed in his phone until he notices the two groups. Instead of calling the cops, he decides to begin filming.

One of the Razors throws a brick, and the fight begins. A stream of expletives fill the air as the gangs beat and slice each other open, splattering blood on the ground like some Jackson Pollock painting. One of the Razors takes advantage of the confusion to knock the phone out of the bystander's hand, following up with a right hook. It misses.

The two groups quickly lost their appetite for battle and began to disband, fleeing the way they came. Police sirens chased away the last of the stragglers, who were still feeling the pockets of the fallen.

The last of the Spiked Hairs lie collapsed on a couch in their hideout, panting and smoking profusely. 'Fuck! Shit! Why'd you fucking leave them there?"

"I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry! I fuckin' heard the cops coming, I was scared!"

"All right, but if YOU get left on the street, bleeding like a dumbass, don't come bitching to us!"

The door bangs open, and the trio on the couch simultaneously reach for their weapons. It's Rick.

"Shit, Rick, I though you were gone for good, man!"

"Yeah," Rick breathlessly laughs, "that's what I thought, too!" He whoops. "Those motherfuckers punch like bitches, I just got lost on the way back!"

I tried

>> No.13657024 [View]
File: 67 KB, 361x464, 0503-CWCAsh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can complain all you like but any existence is the best possible existence. To be or not to be?

The answer is: to be.

>> No.13656672 [View]
File: 67 KB, 361x464, 0503-CWCAsh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To leave a positive imprint in others, because the soul is eternal but this world is not. When the world ends, all the greatest works and sights and compositions remain only in those who experienced them. Make sure that experience is a positive one.

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