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>> No.20938892 [View]
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From green to yellow
To orange to red
To brown then black;
Now summer's dead.

Life's gleam
Sun's shine
All fade
with time.

>> No.20281797 [View]
File: 205 KB, 800x1178, BodhidharmaYoshitoshi1887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meditations (Aurelius)
Shobogenzo (Dogen)
The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: A Translation with Commentary (Alter)
seconding Montaigne and Emerson, haven't read Plutarch yet but if you paired him with them then I'll definitely give a read
>Old Testament Bible
now this is based, so many pleb larpers on here get filtered by the OT

>> No.20272555 [View]
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not enough

>> No.19458647 [View]
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>Go to Bodhidharma to tell him I'm sad
>He asks me what "I"?
>I'm not sad anymore as I realize I dont exist
So this is the power of zen?

>> No.19426067 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Thinking is... LE BAD

>> No.19291774 [View]
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>> No.19041865 [View]
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Not the same fag who asked the question but I have to tell you: recommending the Gita as something evocative of Hinduism in general strikes me as an error. It's my favorite book, but it's easily the black-sheep of Hindu thinking. For instance, where else are you going to find the idea that sankhya and yoga are not antipodes which is nearly omniscient in the Song of God? Especially since it is primarily a pragmatic texts and metaphysics are only brought in to bolster the ultra-pragmatic yoga.

>> No.19035062 [View]
File: 205 KB, 800x1178, R.328582a3e6d22e8cd556fca177bc2f67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better real freedom through truth, then false freedom through lies.

Disenchantment and dispassion lead to a peace more profound than attachment ever could.

Or whatever, im sure youll live forever and get all the things you want.

>> No.18722046 [View]
File: 205 KB, 800x1178, 1D2312E6-E979-43AF-A9C2-12E34AFB47BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an explanation in the bible for why their are other religions throughout the world? Its one of my main hesitations

>> No.18693536 [View]
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I am going to make an argument for this: All Abrahamic scriptures and texts should be burned and defaced from the Internet. Those who still insist on following them should be executed. There is no such thing as a good sincere Muslim, Christian, or Jew. The world must de-Abrahamize.

There is absolutely no merit, no beauty, and no depth in any Abrahamic text when compared to Dharmic religions, Celtic & Germanic Neo-Paganism, Greek mystery schools, Mazdan traditions, Daoism, Shintoism, etc. All of the Abrahamic traditions are death fetishist and involve a complex structure of psyops controlled by Semites. All Christians are fundamentally Judaic in spirit whereas Muslims are Arabic in spirit. Regardless, the Zohar treats them as all useful fools, much like gentiles who have a shell containing chaos ("Qliphoth) to fulfill their destructive prophecies. All gentiles exist to be scapegoated by Jews for their sins, much like their ritual involving smashing chicken to transfer sin, and all Abrahamic offshoots from their original religions are modeled in such a way to serve their interests as others abandon their ancestral Gods. There is a complex network of esoteric secret organization that sustain a system of controlled opposition to maintain the legitimacy of the absolute filth of their traditions.

Every single Abrahamist will go to hell or have a negative rebirth until they abandon their filth. Much of their intellectuals are selected by secret esoteric groups (e.g., Freemasons/Jesuits and Rene Girard whose overemphasis on scapegoating mechanism has precedence in the Talmud).

Most religions are oriented towards a fundamental principle one can work towards, whether suddenly or gradually:

The core idea of Mahayana is prajnaparamita (i.e., seeing things as they are and manifesting one's infinite and non-deluded Buddha nature and living according to it)
The core idea of Daoism is Wu-Wei and seeking elixir of Immortality.
The core idea of Zoroastrianism is purification by embodying Spenta Mainyu ('sacred mental state / spirit').
The core idea of Celtic or Germanic neo-paganism is sustaining the racial character of one's group and communing with the spirit or divine archetypes of Nature.
The core idea of Abrahamism is *salvation via faith* and upholding divine commandments that were exclusively revealed to one irrelevant tribe of hucksters.

>> No.17161198 [View]
File: 205 KB, 800x1178, EqhpR7GXMAAMamR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /lit/friends. I was wondering if you could recommend me some introductory books on Buddhism, especially Mahayana. Thanks much.

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