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>> No.20687962 [View]
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HOW NARROW IS THE GATE, and strait is the way that leadeth to life:
and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits
ye shall know them.... Not everyone that saith to Me, Lord, Lord shall enter
into the Kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of My Father Who is
in heaven, he shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Many will say to Me
in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and cast out
devils in Thy name, and done many miracles in Thy name? And then will I
profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.

>> No.19750750 [View]
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Great thread

>> No.19132157 [View]
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which authors would make me an incel?

>> No.18948491 [View]
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Words cannot express how much hatred I have inside of me for existentialists and what they have spawned in pop culture.

>> No.18011191 [View]
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This is how you end up quitting the majority of your poisoning habits and addictions. Strange that.

>> No.17790643 [View]
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>First Fifth of the Year is Over

>> No.17720224 [View]
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sometimes i say dumb things so anons can correct me and feel better about themselves if they're feeling down

>> No.17711551 [View]
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i thought about this when i did jury service

>> No.17579280 [View]
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what?? they're full grown women? because they're not obese? fucking americans man...

>> No.17443843 [View]
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what if i don't like substance in general, whether monism or not

>> No.17280231 [View]
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i'm anglo lowerclass trash and an avid reader. i am also racist against europeans and chinks. never seen a blackie before. are niggers as bad as they seem?

>> No.17222760 [View]
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Why do I get the feeling everything I encounter in the modern world is an attempt to distract, confuse and mentally castrate me.

>> No.17086936 [View]
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neither am i

i'm ___ close to cutting my own dick off rn

>> No.17054399 [View]
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>He had class and refinement
i seriously hope i'm not posting alongside you retards

being a mutt is fine and of great social utility in western countries and white-native mix are also generally good in most countries.

the problem is he was a mistake, his father literally just coomed inside some random SEA woman because he was too horny to use a condom so his 'family' had problems from the start. also he's autistic af if you read how literally he takes everything. some self-awareness and social aptitude and he'd be alright despite shitty life circumstances.

>> No.17037763 [View]
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i live in the southern hemisphere

>> No.16990719 [View]
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i don't use social media or leave my house. i can tell you're essentially indistinguishable from muh normoids, consoomer trash.

>> No.16984505 [View]
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i don't have a best friend or any friends anymore. my closest friend back in the day who i don't talk to much anymore is a chinese tranny.

>> No.16958199 [View]
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i don't trust psychiatrists, personality tests, or you

>> No.16862303 [View]
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Daoism is basically opposite to contemporary culture and economy. It's like they studied it to devise a world as opposite and as dysfunctional as possible. Like a malicious reading of it.

What's with that?

Btw in my search for an accurate translation I've found this: Dao De Jing: A Philosophical Translation. idk if it's the best approach but it's got a lot of information.

>> No.16667849 [View]
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Why did I read "El Peruano" instead of "El Péndulo"?

>> No.16589897 [View]
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this video makes me want to slaughter americans

>> No.13506964 [View]
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*sucks through teeth* phheewww euuueee

corrrrrrr luvly deer

pwwwoooaaaaahhhh id bury my face in that crack

oooooooffff lassie

mmmmmmmmm wana see that arse rumble with stench

alri u win this time cumbrains, settle down

what the fuck you dumb bitch you just said women's only value and defining feature is being a hole for men to fuck. lord almighty there are some dogshit women these days. did you know many cultures considered women to be more spiritually inclined and sometimes outright superior? now you're telling me you're a hunk of flesh that doesn't even know herself beyond sex. this is too degrading for the lovely women i know and love irl, you are feeding womanhaters with legitimacy, please delet.

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