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>> No.10926021 [View]
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>>On Tinder
>>Met a qt latina with a masters degree in art history. I don't think anything of it although she seems pretty cool and hip.
>>Make her laugh with a cheesy pick up line and we start asking each other questions
>>We talk for two days including over the phone and we get along amazingly. She likes the same music as I do and we have the same kind of humor and interests. We even grew up within miles of each other. Easily the most compatible person I've ever met.
>>"Anon, what's your favorite book?" I tell her it's the Stranger by Albert Camus. She is shocked because she just ordered it and can't believe we're so similar. I ask hers and she says Nausea by Jean Peal Sartre.
>>I order Nausea partly to read it, partly because I never got into Sartre even though I like Camus, and partly because she has so much in common with me I figure I must like.
>>We go out on a Friday night. We got to a microbrew, jazz club, and then get dinner. It feels like the perfect date. She was into it, into me and had fun all night. Almost kiss all night but I didn't go for it because she didn't seem like the kind of girl that would be into that with someone she just met. We talk until 2 am before she takes off.
>>I think it goes well. She texts me excitedly right after she left. We keep talking for another two days. Getting along great. We make a date for Tuesday to go watch a movie.
>>Next day radio silence. I think it's odd but since I'm a grown man with responsibilities I chalk it up to life.
>>Next day she sends me a text saying she was only testing the waters to see if she could see herself in a relationship or whether she wants to be single. She says she doesn't want to lead me on. She then proceeds to ghost me. I get pissed off mostly because I actually would have been cool just being her friend since I never met many people who like all the same stuff I do, and I thought she just jumped to one hell of a conclusion. I have no choice but to shrug it off.
>>Nausea by Sartre arrives. I decide to read it because I already bought it and she recommended it.

Holy shit, what the fuck is this garbage? Am I just reading it wrong or is Sartre just a whiny bitch? I thought Absurdism was supposed to be existentialism with a hopeful slant and not just a middle-aged guy going through a mid-life crisis talking about how nothing matters despite making it painfully obvious he's just a robot in the 1930s.

Anyone else ever been fucking bamboozled like this?

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