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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20180436 [View]
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Here in Germany it's the other way around: if you're a poor fag you'll get a huge low + rent money by the government. The loan is without interest and has to be payed back only in half so in effect you get gifted thousends of Euros.

Meanwhile if your parents are just upper middle class and have a decent income, you'll get nothing. Zero. You will have to live with your parents until you're finished or you will be the one working the two extra jobs while begging your dad for the cash.

So what's more comfortable, growing up poor and getting government to be your daddy or growing up somewhat wealthy and having to beg for money and woe to you if you have a bad relationship with your parents, while on top you will be labeled priviledged and spoiled.

I don't even have the motivation to make any money, life is easier for my children if I don't.

>> No.18385019 [View]
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>reading Pushkin in translation

>> No.18267273 [View]
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Niggas unironically still believe in privatio boni in 2021. You fucking pseuds make me sick

>> No.17929097 [View]
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>If you don't fast for Ramadan
Are you autistic or something?
Islam is more or less an ethno-religious community.
Anyway why are you even bringing it up, the point was the general behaviour and psychology of migrant groups who interact with foreign populations and have to use dissimulative behavioural strategies to integrate and exploit the local society.

>> No.17562511 [View]
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Zoomzoom here and I agree, unfortunately.

This is the stupidest strawman imaginable. PC-culture vs based-and-redpilled culture is a distraction from the real issues. PC-culture and social justice is simply the mask an insanely genocidal, psychopathic, authoritarian elite wears to hide its intentions, and the fringe right’s reaction to this PC monoculture is, for the most part, stupid, although understandable. Hillary Clinton will work to bomb the fuck out of some Middle Eastern shithole country, be married to some Epstein-Island pizza-aficionado fuck, and use the Clinton Foundation to accept bribes for sending foreign aid to countries, then turn around and say the hatred of her comes from “bigoted males who can’t handle a strong empowered female,” and a big chunk of the population will sincerely believe this.

A bigger issue than not being allowed to call George Floyd a nigger on Twitter is the censorship of and/or attacks on any claims that COVID-19 was bioengineered and released deliberately as part of a genocide program, or that the rushed vaccines are also a part of this program. As well as the censorship, belittling, deplatforming etc. of people objecting to inconsistent, over-the-top, and harmful lockdown measures.

As well as institutions like the NSA being weaponized against the entire US population as revealed by whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and William Binney, and now the modern demonization of “conspiracy theories” as being tied to a threat of domestic terrorism.

Reminder also that WTC 7 collapsed in freefall motion and didn’t even get hit by a fucking plane. White supremacy, the threat of radical Islam, it’s all the same crap, just another CIA/MI6/Mossad false flag to justify further control of the population, control of the news, Big Tech control over speech, more surveillance, more security. Eat your GM food, slave.

>> No.15771383 [View]
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Do straight people really find this attractive?

>> No.15519307 [View]
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People who view psychedelics as the road to greatness or spirituality are absolutely insufferable.

People have already posted it. While psychedelics might give people the sense of being "born-again", may give them some meaning to their lives, the problem is that these drug experiences don't offer logic. It's purely visceral. It can't solve everything in your life because you can't repurpose the information you're given. It's basically a false sense of enlightenment.

>> No.14564147 [View]
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>blowjobs and handjobs can't really hurt anybody
There is ONE proper place for the seed to go.

>> No.13573315 [View]
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>smol boi

How has literal babyspeak infiltrated the speech patterns of everyone in current year?

>> No.13270706 [View]
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>Blurb is just a bunch of quotes praising the book and how the writer is super good at redefining GENRE
>No fucking idea what the book is about

>> No.13160988 [View]
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>google the book
>see the other books by the author page
>"SJWs always lie"
>"SJWS always double down"
Let me guess, another "intellectual" who's thought process boils down to "see what liberals want and do the opposite," meanwhile they have a legion of 16 year old fans from t/the donald who will say anything they write is genius

>> No.12848414 [View]
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There was nothing wrong with what he wrote. Using a few adjectives here and there is necessary to condense a description of a large, complex institution to discuss it on a place like 4chan. He was right on the money too, so sperging like a retard and answer the critique, brainlet.

>> No.12846642 [View]
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The Constitution is a living meme at this point. Constitution for thee, not for me, says the eternal establishment boomer.
>*despite controlling both houses, fails to use legislative powers to allow the executive branch to do its constitutional duty to protect the borders*
>"but if you use emergency powers to shift funding from the military to the border wall, when illegal immigrant population has swelled from 11.5 million to 22 million over the past decade and tens of thousands crawling across the border as we speak, you will be setting precedents and violate le epic constitution"
>*does not bat an eye when Obama shifted several billion from Obamacare to refugee resettlement in a bipartisan bill back in 2014*
>*does not care that they will lose all political power with changing demographics because they are getting comfy Wall Street bux either way*
Fuck all of these backstabbing hypocrites. They all deserve the guillotine, both Democrats and Republicans. We need to ignore the Constitution to save the Constitution.

>> No.12816866 [View]
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>> No.12803431 [View]
File: 13 KB, 380x250, fuckjournalists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a journalist is among the least respectable of white collar professions unless you're the kind that does independent work that challenges the status quo, like Gary Webb. but of course, that carries "occupational hazards", if you catch my drift.

most modern journalists are some of the dumbest mouth-breathing, scum-sucking, boot-licking, reality-warping, fart-sniffing, and knuckle-dragging retards to ever grace the planet. either wittingly or unwittingly (hard to tell as most journalists exhibit few signs of personal agency), they are nothing but toadies for a particular moronic ideology or the establishment political faction, which itself is becoming increasingly neoliberal or leftist in this day and age. because most journalists are too broke, too incompetent, and too lazy to launch their own investigations, they resort to "anonymous sources", which is the equivalent of being fed bullshit by some political operative within the government apparatus. how do any of these journalists know if they're being told the full story, or if they're only receiving the perspective of a partisan with an axe to grind? as former Obama advisor ben rhodes admitted a few years ago, these journalists are so naive that they will believe anything they're told, and as long as it comes from their favorite political faction, they'll eat that shit up without question. "journalism" is just another way for the establishment to disseminate propaganda without having an explicit seal of approval on the information.

The "centrist" opinion on journalism is the brainlet opinion. Even if they were willing to do quality work (which they are not), journalistic institutions are incapable of performing quality work in today's world. The internet collapsed their old business model, and they're working with far fewer resources than ever before. Former Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said it best:
>“All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus,” he said. “Now they don’t. They call us to explain to them what’s happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”
>“We created an echo chamber,” he admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. “They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.”
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/08/magazine/the-aspiring-novelist-who-became-obam

fuck journalists. real journalism is not performed by so-called "journalists". they're such pathetic sycophants that not even their masters hold any degree of respect for them. if you think working as a journalist means that you're "preserving democracy", then you need to be sent to the fucking guillotine as soon as possible.

>> No.12746995 [View]
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being a journalist is the least /lit/ profession unless you do independent work that challenges the status quo like Gary Webb. most modern journalists are some of the dumbest mouth-breathing, scum-sucking, boot-licking, fart-sniffing, and knuckle-dragging retards to grace the planet. they're nothing but toadies for a chosen ideology or political faction, one that leans increasingly neoliberal or leftist in this day and age. if you think being fed bullshit by some political operative or a partisan insider with an axe to grind means that you're "preserving democracy", then you need to be sent to the fucking guillotine as soon as possible. fuck journalists.

>> No.12730112 [View]
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>thinking that the President wields any power not tacitly approved to him by the Cathedral
>thinking that Breitbart, Alex Jones, and fucking Ben Shapiro can compete with the vast majority of cable news, talk shows, newspapers, magazines, social media platforms, advertisers, journals, think tanks, NGOs, government institutions, universities, etc.
delusional. simply delusional. fuck your stupid "I'm too smart for this" contrarianism. most leftists are stupid fucks, and they're in charge of nearly everything. the last holdouts of any sort of anti-leftist thought are in the fly-over states, filled with rapidly-aging, opioid addicted boomers who are dying out fast. if anything, having control over the presidency is an anomaly aided by the electoral college. everything else is solidly under some school of leftism, whether it is neoliberal coping strategies, progressive true-believers, or dyed-in-the-wool Marxist wannabes.

>> No.12708800 [View]
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>tfw the "traditionalist" school of reactionary thought is a bunch of New Age woo-woo posturing bullshit, a monstrosity ironically only made possible by the modern era.
don't get memed into reading this

>> No.12708101 [View]
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>tfw the "traditionalist" school of reactionary thought is a bunch of New Age woo-woo posturing bullshit, a monstrosity ironically only made possible by the modern era.
this stuff is hot garbage that could effectively lobotomize you at an even faster rate than reading schizophrenic French obscurantists. read Lasch, Murray, Junger, Spengler, or MacIntyre instead if you want to dissect modernity to its core without becoming a living meme.

>> No.12434325 [View]
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>everyone on this board either wants to write some grand narrative that dissects the nature of society or my diary desu

What happened to the middle ground?

>> No.12279284 [DELETED]  [View]
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>big oof
>imagine doing x
>what do

>> No.12203760 [View]
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>using Nation and State interchangeably

>> No.12181752 [View]
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>citing the dictionary to make your point
>arguing semantics EVER

>> No.12026107 [View]
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Wow how fucking clever

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