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>> No.8151164 [View]
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If you want to find a word to describe the Buddhist approach to suffering (taking about actual suffering here and not the word dukkha which doesn't mean suffering in the English sense of the word) for the purposes of asking whether its the end-game of ethics then you might as well just ask 'is Buddhism is the end-game of ethics'.

If you want to find a particular term that is not 'Buddhism' then I'm not sure. In Buddhism instead of avoiding suffering the point has more to do with the concept of becoming enlightened which can be somewhat simplified as realizing that we suffer because of our ignorance of the truth of there being no self and how this leads to a false sense of self and attachments/cravings that accompany this which causes suffering.

Its not about 'avoiding suffering' but more about waking up from the illusion and becoming aware that we are only suffering because of our misguided beliefs in and attachments to the illusion. In this sense once you become enlightened or start to practice Buddhist practices diligently then you naturally start to experience suffering less because you don't abide in the illusionary beliefs/mindset/attitudes that cause suffering. In this context 'avoiding suffering' is not a goal but the cessation of suffering is simply seen as the natural result in a 'cause-and-effect' sense of what happens when you are enlightened or start to make progress towards it. The cessation of suffering was not the main reason why Buddha advised people to practice his teachings, he advised people to practice them for the sake of being enlightened itself and a cessation of suffering is just seen as a component of that.

I don't know if there is a term that can accurately describe that in a few words. Maybe something involving the words 'transcendental', 'enlightenment', 'awakening' etc but for someone who isn't familiar with the subtleties of Buddhist ideas (most people on /lit/ tbhf) the term probably won't convey all that.

>> No.7934727 [View]
File: 492 KB, 1219x1564, SeatedBuddhaGandhara2ndCenturyOstasiatischeMuseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there is much reason to believe that tbhf, the doctrines differ significantly in some areas and there are sections of the Pali Canon that deal with Buddha discussing this or debating Jainists.

People often tend to think there is a greater emphasis on giving that stuff up then there is actually meant to be and they perceive it as depressing and empty when its the opposite. First off, its perfectly okay to be a lay-person who tries to implement what lessons they can from Buddhism while still living an ordinary life and not abandoning all possessions. Secondly, its not about denying things that are enjoyable and part of being human, its more about waking up from a false illusion and experiencing the bliss and freedom of not being confused by it.

You can still engage with life and pursue enjoyable activities but in a way that is freed from desire and attachment. The only non-action part of Buddhism has to do with not taking action in a way or with a mindset/motivation that would cause karmic effects, its not like you are supposed to sit down and do nothing all day.

Despite some affluent westerns embracing Buddhism its not at all inherently pro-capitalism, pro-exploitation, pro=neoliberalism etc. Some of the most important important parts of Buddhist teaching such as the parts having to do with desire, attachment and craving are entirely antithetical to the current neoliberal order and consumerism.

Leaving aside the fact that Yoga is not a major part of Buddhism, becoming a billion dollar industry is almost inevitable when something becomes really popular and its no surprise that it has because Yoga is really good for your physical health and it makes you feel mentally great.

read the sticky before posting
>/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own.

It seems to me that you are making an assertion based on your personal experience and nothing much else. All across the world there are religious orders and hermitages/temples/etc of all different sorts and in many of these place there are people who spend much of or even all of their life there and they are content and in some cases they are regarded by others as being genuinely enlightened. Who are you to say that all of these people are fake or deluded and that none of them are successful when you have never even met most of them?

>> No.7842989 [View]
File: 492 KB, 1219x1564, SeatedBuddhaGandhara2ndCenturyOstasiatischeMuseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm stretching the definition a bit but it still works

>> No.7247900 [View]
File: 492 KB, 1219x1564, SeatedBuddhaGandhara2ndCenturyOstasiatischeMuseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forget the books and sign up for a free ten day long Vipassana retreat. The S.N. Goenka Vipassana groups are the gold standard of Vipassana. They do free meditation retreats all over the USA and in most countries around the world as well. They provide you with free meals and a free bed as long as you follow the courses rules and instructions. There are periods of mandatory and optional meditation, depending on how long you decide to do it you meditate between 5-10 hours a day. All you have to do is figure out a way there and a way back although people car-pool on the way out. But you literally don't need to bring any money or anything and you just meditate for 10 days without talking to anyone, its a great experience.

>> No.7217555 [View]
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Just because it can be ritualized does not mean that the 8-fold path is by default a ritual, an incorrect assertion which was your original argument.

>> No.7214261 [View]
File: 492 KB, 1219x1564, SeatedBuddhaGandhara2ndCenturyOstasiatischeMuseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I bet a lot of things about you ring hollow, though. Like your soul.

kek, watch those edges anon

>You see, the thing with Christianity is that unlike Buddhism it isn't geographically bound. You can live anywhere in the world and come from any background and practice it authentically. A middle class white westerner appropriating a thirdhand commercialized version

Buddhism is not geographically bound. While there is a whole industry of watered down books that present feel-good mushy representations of Buddhism that don't have much to do with the original teachings one could easily say the same about all the feel-good christian-themed books. If someone studies the actual discourses of the Buddha and his major teachings then they aren't appropriating a thirdhand commercialized version of Buddhism, they are studying the real thing.

>of the coolest new Asian religion

its older then Christianity tbh

>because it's just so exotic and so spiritual (but not religious)

only if your sense of the word religion means monotheism

>> No.7187179 [View]
File: 492 KB, 1219x1564, SeatedBuddhaGandhara2ndCenturyOstasiatischeMuseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP all you have to realize is that you suffer only because of the false sense of importance you attach to these things in your mind.

Let go of your worries about these things and just enjoy living. If you legit want to find someone to be with then you can contact a professional match-making service that cater to middle-aged professionals, they are the real deal.

Still though its completely pointless and misguided to anguish over this stuff. Realize that these negative emotions are just illusions you create and choose to abide in and that they are in no way reflective of reality.

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