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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9705212 [View]
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How the fuck do I speed read, /lit/? I have all these fucking books I want to get through over this Summer but I'm a slow reader. Would if be possible to read a 300-page book in one day by your techniques?

>> No.7267143 [View]
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Maintaining a life of isolation
Alienating people
Being a dilettante
Being a hypocrite

>> No.7253820 [View]
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>vague allusions to antiquity
>sense of boundlessness

>> No.7224301 [View]
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Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka, or Mirgorod by Gogol

Zombie Butts from Uranus

>> No.7217203 [View]
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Not him but if Buddhism dosn't work for them they can always go back to the same old same old. The reason many people stick with Buddhism though is that it can bring about a sublime joy that seems better then indulging in regular pleasure. Being free from all attachments is like a state of constant and subtle bliss.


despite being depicted in some Buddhist art the Bindi is mostly worn by Hindus

>> No.7206876 [View]
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I'm dead serious, actually. I try to avoid talking about these things all at once on the internet, but there it is, I'm one of the people who makes 4chan their main online community. It's a weird combo but it feels comfy, like a glock in the waistband of your favorite Japanese raw denim jeans. Like what I'm wearing right now.

I've been told I do the sex thing pretty well. I've had some really fantastic young women in my life, from Ivy League grad students to professional ballerinas and models.

>> No.7205239 [View]
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>never thinking about him at all
Kill yourself. I thought about little else until I was 23. It's time to think about other things now.

Christianity is the most passive-aggressive religion, so I shouldn't be surprised by your tone. All that guilt-tripping, "forgiveness," really gets to you, huh? Pro-tip: your forgiveness doesn't mean shit if nobody fears you. It's just a way to make yourself feel more powerful by acting powerful.

>> No.7112894 [View]
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>choosing things because of how they make you feel
Ya, I dig, but you're refusing to dig deeper because you're attached to this assertion you've made about life being trivial without divine purpose. This seems like a complete non-issue to a lot of people, myself included. Once I admitted that I was comfortable living life without a higher purpose, I began finding exceptional new ways to approach life that have made me way happier than my presence on 4chan would suggest (remember, you're here forever). Once you realize it's trivial, you can control it, but you seem to be shying away from that control, which is achieved through discipline and study, by the way, not total hedonism.

I'm just riding the beast that is my own mind (not an Evola fan but that's a great expression), doing everything I can to construct the most amazing reality and purpose for myself. I'm curious what you think that looks like. So far it's meant squatting in a third world city to write a novel, attending an elite university, competing in high-level Jiu Jitsu and rugby leagues, dating olympic athletes, professional dancers and Harvard graduate students, marrying one of the above and hoping above all else for a son to raise better than the church and my well intentioned parents raised me.

>> No.7110830 [View]
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>obligatory Semen Demon

The Enchiridion by Epictetus
How to Design Programs
Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson
If by Rudyard Kipling
The Good Earth by Pearl Buck
The Dialectical Biologist
A Social Psychology textbook (any should do)
The Special Forces Medical Handbook if you're hardcore
The Boy Scouts workbooks for the First Aid, Emergency Preparedness, Wilderness Survival, Orienteering and Pioneering merit badges.
Pimp, by Iceberg Slim, and Life at the Bottom so you don't have illusions about the underclass.
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

Not literature, but you should be able to run at a steady pace for 10k, swim a steady mile, do 8 pullups and be reasonably competent shooting some sort of firearm or you're not living right (these are not high standards).

>> No.7098627 [View]
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He was from a prominent New England WASP Mayflower family, was in the Navy, studied engineering physics (superweapons engineering) at Cornell, worked at Boeing (enormous military contractor) and lived in California at the height of the ant-subversive operations from the FBI and the MKULTRA experiments from the CIA there. All of this comes into play in Gravity's Rainbow and most of his other work. He basically saw the mil-ind complex's birth, knew the people who ran it, and experienced first-hand its inhumanity.

He wasn't just jacking it by making Gravity's Rainbow a mystical apocalyptic journey, he was trying to illustrate clearly just how deeply fucked up the things he was privy to were.

>> No.7082391 [View]
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>Filthy Frank making music under an alias
>Made In Heights
>Chief Keef
damn dude, that's an interesting mix

>> No.7081396 [View]
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Yes, morality is a label applied to religious and prescriptive ethical systems that lack sufficient justification to simply be called ethical schools of thought. You're asking a semantic question.

>how can atheists consider morality more objective than aesthetics
A. Utilitarianism
B. They don't, because they believe both ethics and aesthetics are resultant from the human brain. Not being psychopaths, they then go about their days not fucking up other peoples' lives.

>> No.7060483 [View]
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Yes. I've published one short story in a decent magazine this year and I'm nearly done with a novel I've been working on for several months, which I intend to query to agents and publishers. In the meantime I will submit short fiction to literary journals and apply to writing conferences. My goals for the year are to get the novel publish, place at least one story, and get accepted to Bread Loaf. I don't think I need to worry about getting too famous from writing literary fiction, and it would be nice to have the money from a successful publication and the option of a university teaching job. The short stories are just because I love short fiction and want to share mine with people who will appreciate it.

Inb4 talentless weebs with no work ethic get triggered.

>> No.7039243 [View]
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>read Pynchon
>holy shit American history is literally a map of the end times
>move to Mexico
>do peyote in the desert with a shaman
>live on a roof and fuck high school girls
>write a novel that bridges Gravity's Rainbow and Neon Genesis Evangelion but without the sense of dread that pervades either
I'm afraid to drop this on the world guys.

>> No.6757059 [View]
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>I have sex just to boost my own ego and insult my partner

You and that guy you responded to both suck. Everybody here sucks. I'm leaving forever.

>> No.6636823 [View]
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>hard to novelize

It likely would be in the background, but sensitively portraying life in the present day requires sensitively and accurately portraying the internet. You're right, it is hard to do and that's why nobody's done it yet, but when they do it will be memorable.

And come on, the high school comment was obviously meant to be belittling, but I love you anyway.

>> No.6217591 [View]
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Fellow Jumbo checking in.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and White Noise

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