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>> No.15506701 [View]
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I feel the internet affected me positively overall. In general, I feel this is a bad period in time to be born into if you adhere to the expectations it tries to indoctrinate you with.
>get a job
>get a wife
>get baby
The good thing about the internet and even mass society is that it gives you a glimpse into things you probably wouldn't notice if you weren't born under these circumstances. For example, people might seem special and unique snowflakes if you're born in a village, but if your work or daily activities involve meeting people you start to detect patterns and similarities that unironically make you wonder if you're experiencing scripted events. People are not that special, and you probably aren't that special either - and realizing this might not be special in modernity either.
There's a clear call to investigate more into life and why we're here at all and what all of this means, but that goes completely against our modern cultures. You aren't supposed to ask questions, especially not fundamental ones that are deemed as silly.
Personally, I have no empathy for the people that cry about how they don't have a wife or a good job or whatever. Many of them barely seem self-aware. It's either "muh jews" or "muh capitalism" with nothing else. Even those that pretend to care about god are basically braindead reactionaries without any interest in it beyond getting a needed feeling of community.
I genuinely feel in my heart that with every passing day I get closer to god. It may not be the god of tradcucks, but it's certainly a god. There is a greater meaning - maybe not in our individual lives but in looking at everything that's happened and continues to happen all around us. And if you don't believe that, if you can't believe that... I'm not sure what reason there is to be alive at all. I'm tired of the normalization of mass indoctrination done by societies to make everyone think that life can only be lived one way.
Live however you feel is meaningful and die for it if it comes to that.
Deleuze warned us about this.

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