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>> No.13065018 [View]
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BRB posting superior lyricist

Thick as Thieves

Remember how it all began, the apple and the fall of man? (Adam and Eve)

The price we paid, so the people say.
(Author doesn't buy it)

Down a path of shame it led us; dared to bite the hand that fed us.
(G*d supposedly gave us all but man dared to defy him; also refers to forbidden fruit)

The fairy tale, the moral end,
(again author's skepticism)

the wheel of fortune never turns again.
(Bible says we'll never have that chance again)

The worst of it has come and gone in the chaos of millennium, in the falling out of the doomsday crowd. Their last retreat is moving slow; they burn their bridges as they go.

The heretic will try to teach the harlot’s child to smile.

(Not sure on this one. Heretic = one who does not buy religion. Also prose)

Wracked again by indecision, should we make that small incision and testify to the bleeding heart inside? We cut, we scratched, we rent, we slashed and when he opened up at last—found a cul-de-sac, deep and black, of smoke and ash.

(bleeding heart = A term, usually critical and politically loaded, for someone who is held to be overly sympathetic to another person's (or group of people's) plight. Someone who is emotionally concerned about a person, idea, or event but still refuses to act. i think maybe she's saying we ready to show everyone we are this "bleeding heart" type)

(i think we know "cul-de-sac as a dead-end road, but it also means the bottom of a bag or an opening or hole. when i looked it up though i found it interesting that another defenition is: any situation in which further progress is impossible. In anatomy it can mean a a saclike cavity, open only at one end.

The wicked king of parody

is kissing all his enemies on the seventh day of the seventh week.

(refers to Christian Premillennialism and the beliefe that: in the apocalypse, weeks 1-7 retell the biblical history from the creation of humanity to the author’s time of writing (possibly during the Maccabean crisis). However, after the seventh "week", the temporary earthly messianic age begins and occurs for a period of three more “weeks”. After the temporary messianic kingdom, the creation of the new heavens and the new earth occurs.)

The tyrant’s voice is softer now but just for one forgiving hour before the rise of his iron fist again.

(The apocryphal book was apparently an attempt to explain the difficulties associated with the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple to the Jewish people.During one of the visions in the book, Ezra received a revelation from the angel Uriel. The angel explained that prior to the last judgment, the Messiah will come and establish a temporary kingdom lasting 400 years after which all of creation will be obliterated including the Messiah. The Author in this song is perhaps refering to this 400 year period as the "forgiving hour" afterwhich he will rise his "iron fist" and begin destroying all.


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