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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20877177 [View]
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actually i'm pretty sure they will read which is why i'm nervous about the story because most webcomics lack professional level art and mine is sure to stand out because it's a visual medium and i have an established following and network that can help boost its visibility.

also, nothing wrong with cats. you newfag or something?

>> No.15410422 [View]
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>Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.10434770 [View]
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what is the saddest poem you have read

>> No.9894300 [View]
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OP image gives a sad, poignant insight into the desperate chidlike craving for that particular eros. Platonic ideal through comics and anime. Naive beauty impossible - and ugly - in this world, only experienced through a glass, dimly.

>> No.9382371 [View]
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I just finished Urth of the New Sun yesterday, I enjoyed it very much

Next I will probably read some East German communist adventure novel my dad gave me

>> No.8264965 [View]
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>read the book for English class in middle school
>a thing that teachers often do here is show us the movie after we've studied the book
>for some reason we watch both the 90s and the 60s version
>watching the 60s one
>scene where one of the boys gets dragged off naked and whipped on his bare ass by another nude kid
>entire classes face when

>> No.8140025 [View]
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>> No.7416660 [View]
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I have no long term life goals or ambitions, literature related or otherwise, but I would like to read the canon in a misguided attempt to become well read and cultured so I may compensate for my lack of work ethic and career goals

Right now I'm reading Siddhartha to avert babbies first existential crisis

>> No.7186229 [View]
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I can recommend you some general podcasts that are more or less /lit/ if you would like
in no particular order

Some people apparently manage to trick themselves into enjoying Bret Easton Ellis' podcast
Personally I didn't think it was enjoyable, but maybe you will like it.

In Our Time: based Melvyn Bragg and a couple of qualified guests inform you about and discuss different topics from history, philosophy, culture, science and religion.

People like Kermode and Mayo's Film Reviews and value Kermode's opinion as a critic on current and upcoming films.
If that's the type of thing you might enjoy it's probably worth looking at.

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History is the go-to podcast for history, he takes forever to release an episode but he makes it up with quality, the episodes are long, fun to listen to and very interesting.
Keep in mind it's popular history more, take it for what it is etc

There's also the Norman Centuries podcast, it's ~19 episodes of circa 20 minutes in length by a guy who wrote a book on Byzantium that I haven't read.
It's short but it served to give me a basic understanding of who the Normans were while I cleaned my room and did laundry.

Welcome to Night Vale: a man with a sweet voice soothes you to sleep with tales of surreal occurrences in a small town somewhere in the desert.
Dogs are not allowed in the dog park

Philosophy wise there's The Partially Examined Life, a podcast by three guys who at some point wanted to do philosophy for a living but then thought better of it.
It's an enjoyable podcast, all the episodes from 2010 are hidden behind a paywall so you might have to get those somewhere else if you get into it.

Philosophize This is another one, according to the guy who makes the thing the early episodes are of lower quality and plagued with attempts at humor.
I haven't made it through those yet myself, so I can't tell you if it gets better.

No Such Thing as a Fish, people who are writers on the British TV show QI present you with four interesting facts every episode
The cast got a little annoying so I haven't really listened to it regularly, but if you like the TV show it might just be the thing for you

Worst Idea of all Time: two kiwis watch Grown Ups 2 every week and discuss it.
If you have nothing better to do

The Joe Rogan Experience
I guess sometimes he has interesting guests on, but the man himself is difficult.
Maybe you will get some enjoyment out of cherrypicking episodes with guests you are interesting in hearing more of, but don't forget your battle ropes and your alpha brain and your gorilla shaped rocks

Honorary mentions of podcasts I haven't yet listened to but that were recommended to me: Classic Loveline, The Bugle, The Little Dum Dum Club, Criminal, Something for the Drive Home, WTF with Marc Maron, The After Disaster

>> No.7162194 [View]
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can you give examples of comedians who do 10 layer jokes

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