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>> No.16100032 [View]
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>tolstoy didnt suffer at all in life

His dream was that he sees a vast desert - as far as he can see it is desert_sand and sand and nothing else. Hot sun_the sand is almost burning. And two shoes - they are his shoes - are walking. He is not in them - that was the most horrible thing - just the shoes going on and on, and the desert is endless. So the whole night may pass and the shoes are walking on, and the desert never comes to an end. There is nobody in those shoes, but the shoes are his. And he would always wake up perspiring, trembling.

This was his lifelong torture; and he was stuck with the dream. There was no way to move. He even started becoming afraid of going to sleep because he knew what was going to happen: the moment he falls asleep, the dream will be there. And it goes nowhere - just simply goes on and on. He talked to one of his friends, Chekhov - he was another great, creative novelist of the same caliber as Tolstoy - about the dream.

Chekhov said, "Unless you do something, the dream will continue, because the dream wants you to do something. It is about you. And even in your dream you are trying to deceive yourself - that's why you are not in your own shoes, so only the shoes have to walk. But the shoes are yours and you are in them. And this is something about your life. Anybody can see it - there is no need of any great psychoanalyst to analyze it."

Tolstoy had a wife who was a constant torture, but he was a man of no decision: he could not decide whether to divorce her or to continue. He had many children, and he lived like a poor man. He was a Christian, a practicing Christian. Although he was a count and had immense riches and had thousands of acres of land, he lived like a poor man, ate like a poor man, had clothes like a poor man.

>> No.16090333 [View]
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He used to project himself. Whatever was true for him he thought was true for every human being. That is the very limit of his nonsense. All that he has said about man is not about man. It is about Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud is a single individual; he does not represent man. No one represents man. No one can ever represent man.

So maybe a few people are helped by psychoanalysis, a very few people. Rarely have I seen a person who has been helped by psychoanalysis – but those are the people who are of the same type as Sigmund Freud.

Now much research has happened and it has been found that even those people who are helped are not helped by psychoanalysis but by something else. In one experiment, twenty-five people were given psychoanalysis for six months and twenty-five people were just kept waiting and told, “Soon your psychoanalysis will start.” They were all suffering from the same kind of illness. The result was very surprising.

The twenty-five who were given psychoanalysis were helped a little bit, but the twenty-five who were kept waiting were helped far more. Just waiting helped them far more. In fact, this secret has been known in the East. It has been practiced for centuries. If you take someone who has a mental disorder and place him in a Zen monastery – he is then put in isolation for three weeks, where no one talks to him. This is just the opposite of psychoanalysis; no one talks to him, no one listens to him. He is just kept isolated, in absolute silence. Someone goes and puts food there for him and returns. He has to live with himself for three weeks. And miracles have been happening down the ages.

Just putting him there for three weeks in isolation, slowly, slowly with no psychoanalysis, no therapy, just isolation, he cools down. In fact, he was suffering too much from people – the stress of being in a crowd continuously.

Psychoanalysis may not be the real cause of help, but the length of time the psychoanalysis continues – two, three, four years. It continues as long as you can afford it; it depends on you. If you have enough money, it can continue your whole life. In fact, psychoanalysis never comes to a termination. It cannot because the mind is very inventive. It goes on inventing more and more rubbish. It starts enjoying, slowly, slowly because the more rubbish it brings up, the more happy the psychotherapist feels. Seeing him happy, it obliges him more.

>> No.15548977 [View]
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Live in insecurity if you really want to live, and live truthfully. And when I say live truthfully, I don't mean the truth that is taught by the Vedas or the Koran or the Bible. I simply mean: to be yourself is to be truthful, whatsoever you are. Don't hide it; don't deceive. Be exposed to the rain and the wind and the sun. There is danger, but in that very danger is joy and in that very danger bliss arises: the fragrance of the rose.

You must have lived through the scriptures; that's why millions of people go on trying hard to live a moral, religious life, and still never know what bliss is. They are living according to books; they never try to listen to their own still small voice. They have betrayed themselves; they have betrayed their truth.

Clem bought a new bike for his ten-year-old son, Harvey. "Don't worry, Harvey," he assured him, "I will assemble the bike in a jiffy."

Harvey waited impatiently as Clem removed the bicycle parts from a huge box.

"Here are the directions," mumbled Clem. "Take wheel a and align it with holes x and z. Then take bolt b and put it through hole y."

"Are you sure you can do it, Dad?" asked Harvey as he watched his father break out into a cold sweat.

"I was not an army mechanic for nothing," retorted Clem.

Five hours later Clem cried jubilantly: "Hallelujah, I have done it!"

Harvey stared at the bike. "Dad, how do you ride a bike backward and upside down?"

If you are putting your life together according to the instructions in some book, you will be in trouble. Live according to your own small light. Enough light has been given to you. You have brought it with yourself. You need not live according to Buddha, according to Mahavira, according to Krishna. They never lived according to anybody else, remember!

I have heard about a Zen master, Bokuju. He was celebrating his master's birthday. Somebody asked Bokuju, "But you don't follow him, why are you celebrating his birthday? You are just the opposite of the master, why are you paying your respects?"

And Bokuju said, "My master never followed his master and I am doing the same. My master has told me not to follow him, that is his message to me. And it is by not following him that great light has happened in me. Hence the respect and gratitude."

>> No.15223664 [View]
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Thousands of pages, and all rubbish, written neither logically nor rationally, but as if someone had gone insane. Karl Marx goes on writing anything that happens in his mind. Sitting in the British Museum, surrounded by thousands of books, he went on writing and writing. You know, it was almost an everyday ritual that he had to be dragged out of the museum at closing time. He had to be forced to leave; otherwise he would not go. Once in a while he was even taken out unconscious.

Now this man has become a god! There is something like an unholy trinity: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and of course Lenin - these three people have become almost like gods to millions of people on the earth. It is a calamity, but I still mention the book - not that you should read it, but so that you do not. Underline what I have said: Do not read it. You are already in a mess. Enough of it. No need for Das Kapital.

Fourth: Remember that Marx is also a Jew. This is a whole line of Jews. Fourth, Sigmund Freud, another Jew. His great work is Lectures on Psychoanalysis. I don't like the word analysis, nor do I like the man, but he managed to create a great movement just like Karl Marx. He is also one of the dominant figures of the world.

Jews have always dreamed of dominating the world. They are really dominating. The three most important men who can be said to be dominating this age are Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Albert Einstein. All three are Jews. The Jews have achieved their dream, they are dominating. But Marx is wrong as far as economics is concerned; Freud is wrong because mind is not to be analyzed, but to be put aside so that you can enter into the world of no-mind.

Albert Einstein is of course right in his theories about relativity, but he proved himself to be utterly foolish when he wrote a letter to President Roosevelt proposing to make the atom bomb. Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the thousands of people who died there, burned alive, are all pointing towards Albert Einstein. It was his letter that started the process of making atom bombs in America. He could never forgive himself; that is the good part of the man. At least he realized that he had committed one of the greatest sins possible. He died in utter frustration. Before he died he said, "I would never, never, never again like to be born a physicist, but only to be a plumber."

And he was one of the greatest minds in the whole history of man. Why was he so frustrated with being a physicist? Why? For the simple reason that he was not conscious of what he was doing. He became aware only when it was too late_. That is the way of unconscious man: he becomes aware only when it is too late. The conscious man is aware beforehand.

>> No.15134747 [View]
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Im glad you asked

800,000 people die from suicide
10 million people die from cancer each year

55.11 million people died in 2012
56.08 million people died in 2014
57.30 million people died in 2016
59.43 million people died in 2019

>> No.15004558 [View]
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Why do people go to psychologists?
You can literally do ANYTHING besides give these CON ARTISTS MONEYYYY

Like literally
Do psychedelic drugs, meditation, yoga, meditation, whatever.
These don't cost money except Psychedelic drugs, but they are cheap too and better than paying some FUCK to HELP YOU.

Why would you pay a stupid fuck to listen to your problems for an hour and pay him? Freud was a fucking jew and he came up this this psychology/psychoanalysis BULLSHIT

Dude, what the fuck man?

>> No.14205089 [View]
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Why don't you just do "wim hof" breathing?


>> No.14154040 [View]
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Those niggers know nothing.
that fred guy killed himself
sam harris is a niggerfaggot intellectual.

look into oshos god vids, nigger

>> No.14153949 [View]
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Just watch what happens when you eat meat: when you kill an animal what happens to the animal when he is killed? Of course, nobody wants to be killed. Life wants to prolong itself; the animal is not dying willingly. If somebody kills you, you will not die willingly. If a lion jumps on you and kills you, what will happen to your mind? The same happens when you kill a lion. Agony, fear, death, anguish, anxiety, anger, violence, sadness – all these things happen to the animal. All over his body violence, anguish, agony spreads. The whole body becomes full of toxins, poisons. All the body glands release poisons because the animal is dying very unwillingly. And then you eat the meat; that meat carries all the poisons that the animal has released. The whole energy is poisonous. Then those poisons are carried in your body.

That meat which you are eating belonged to an animal body. It had a specific purpose there. A specific type of consciousness existed in the animal’s body. You are on a higher plane than the animal’s consciousness, and when you eat the animal’s meat your body goes to the lowest plane, to the lower plane of the animal. Then there exists a gap between your consciousness and your body, and a tension arises and anxiety arises.

>> No.14153853 [View]
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It is significant that in Sanskrit the word brahman or the supreme energy or God, is categorized as neuter gender. Is brahman male or female? No, it is neutral. What has been called omnipotent has been indicated in language as without gender. How can the supreme be male or female? That would make brahman partial. No, the ultimate being is impartial. This impartiality is possible only if the proportion of male and female energy is fifty-fifty.

The concept of ardhanarishwara is the symbol of brahman, the supreme, because the proportion of male and female in brahman is fifty-fifty. Brahman is both man and woman, or it is neither. If God were all male, then there would be no way for the female species to be. And if God were all female, then there would not be a male species on the earth. It is both together and therefore it is capable of creating both the species - male and female.

And as long as we are man and woman, we are two separate fragments of God, broken away from him. That is why man and woman attract each other; this mutual attraction stems from their desire to be united and one. Separately they are half and incomplete. And everything incomplete strives to complete itself; that is the way of life.

>> No.14139304 [View]
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Mind is never peaceful; no-mind is peace. Mind itself can never be peaceful, silent. The very nature of the mind is to be tense, to be in confusion. Mind can never be clear, it cannot have clarity, because mind is by nature confusion, cloudiness. Clarity is possible without mind, peace is possible without mind; silence is possible without mind, so never try to attain a silent mind. If you do, from the very beginning you are moving in an impossible dimension.

>> No.14138958 [View]
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THE EXPERIENCE OF TRUTH is neither a thought nor a feeling. It is a vibrating and a throbbing of all the vital components of your entire being. It is not in you; you are in it. It is your whole being, not just an experience that is happening to you. It is in you yourself, but it is larger than you because the whole of existence is included in it as well.

YOU ASK ME FOR A DEFINITION OF TRUTH? There is no definition of truth. How can one's self define one's self? Pilate asked Christ, "What is truth?" and Christ simply looked at him and remained silent. Truth has no words, no sounds. Truth is an experience of the extreme depths of the self. It is total identification with what is.

TRUTH IS NOT THE OPPOSITE OF UNTRUTH. The opposite of untruth is still untruth. All extremes are untruths. Truth is the mean between extremes. In other words, truth transcends all extremes.

THERE IS A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE between the experience of truth and an interpretation of truth. When you try to interpret truth you stand outside; when you experience truth you are completely inside it, in total communion with it. This is why it is impossible for those who have had the experience of truth to define it. If a man can give you some explanation of truth it is a sign he has never experienced it. People ask me what truth is. But what can I say? I have to remain silent.

Q. WHAT IS TRUTH? Is it a creed, a cult, an organization, a scripture, a word?


A creed is dead and truth is life itself.

Truth is not a cult. There is no path leading to truth. How can a path that is known lead to the unknown?

Truth is not an organized religion either. Truth is an experience that transcends time. It is extremely individualistic, totally personal. How can it be confined in the limited circle of time?

Truth is not a a word, not a sound. Sounds are born and die out, but truth exists forever.

Q. Then what is it?

You will never find truth in the language of who, what, where, when or why. Truth simply exists, and what is just is. Truth cannot be thought about or pondered over but it can be lived. All thought and deliberation are obstacles to being in truth.

In the cadence of music, in the fullness of love, in the beauty of nature the individual virtually disappears - and what exists then is truth.

The individual himself is untruth; the non-individual is truth. The "I" is untruth; God is truth.

Truth cannot be taught through any word. Understand well that any truth that can be taught through words is not truth at all. Truth can be known but it cannot be uttered. To know truth you have to become wordless, silent empty. How can something that is known in emptiness be put into words?

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