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>> No.16338501 [View]
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>How do materialists still exist in 2020 when this book has been readily available for centuries?
Because I literally can't into Epistemology. It's by far the hardest branch of philosophy and yet it seems the most pointless and abstract.

I have confined myself to only read ethics for now.

>> No.16171348 [View]
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Athens in 5BC was peak civilization, as there has ever been to this day

>> No.16169036 [View]
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>the apostles claimed that Jesus' death was a sacrifice of an innocent man for the sins of the guilty. But "Jesus him self had done away with the very concept of 'guilt,' he denied that there was any gulf fixed between God and man; he lived this unity between God and man, and that was precisely his 'glad tidings'"[43]

>In order to claim that there is life after death, the apostles ignored Jesus' example of blessed living. Paul emphasizes the concept of immortality in First Corinthians 15:17, as Nietzsche explains:[43]

>St. Paul…gave a logical quality to that conception, that indecent conception, in this way: 'If Christ did not rise from the dead, then all our faith is in vain!'—And at once there sprang from the Gospels the most contemptible of all unfulfillable promises, the shameless doctrine of personal immortality.... Paul even preached it as a reward....

>Paul used the promise of life after death as a way to seize tyrannical power over the masses of lower-class people.[44] This changed Christianity from a peace movement that achieves actual happiness into a religion whose final judgment offers possible resurrection and eternal life. Paul falsified the history of Christianity, the history of Israel, and the history of mankind by making them all seem to be a preparation for the crucifixion. "The vast lie of personal immortality destroys all reason, all natural instinct—henceforth, everything in the instincts that is beneficial, that fosters life and that safeguards the future is a cause of suspicion."[45]

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