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>> No.16526299 [View]
File: 1.31 MB, 1316x958, Aku no Hana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommending the anime
Holy shit, eat poison. I know OP said "anime" but saying they should watch that abomination over reading the far superior source material is criminal.
>I think this is one of those anime that can be very appealing to people who usually hate the medium.
Yeah because it's closer to live action because it's rotoscoped.

OP, don't listen to this midwit and read the manga instead.

>> No.16223243 [View]
File: 1.31 MB, 1316x958, Aku no Hana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb nigger. It's rotoscoped. Also Kaji is beloved because it's a master piece and isn't ugly and stylistically far removed from the source. There're are many popular pieces of animation that have unconventional styles (PPA was even mentioned ITT) but that doesn't some how make Aku no Hana's anime's hideous rendition of a great manga some how brilliantly avant garde, you massive pseud. Read the manga you absolute pleb. Rotoscoping is cheap and lazy and does not utilize the medium in any way; you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15039751 [View]
File: 1.31 MB, 1316x958, Aku no Hana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to get to into it but one thing that happened was that I saw a woman kill herself in December: I was crossing the street and at the little stop in the middle, a woman was waiting to cross. She was around 30, not ugly or fat but generally unremarkable. The very bored look on her face is the only thing I noticed. So she turned her head and looked at me and then turned back towards the road. Less than a second later she stepped forward and got hit by a car. It was considered an accident, even though I said I thought it was a suicide but she wasn't depressed and her life wasn't that stressful. The driver wasn't charged with anything because it was 100% her fault for suddenly stepping out. That was the first time I saw someone die. I'm convinced she killed herself. Something about the way she looked at me.
Apart from cigarettes I mostly abstain. I even only drink with company, and still in moderation. Illicit drug users are just worthless really, I don't think they're evil but their vice has and will destroy them. I knew a guy who went huge into weed back in school and he dropped out and basically became a retard. I remember you couldn't even hold a conversation with him. Drug use is an illness.
Relax guys, what kind of pleb do you take me for? C&P was one of the first classics I read so it has a place in my heart. I'll definitely reread again. I read it first at 14 then 17 and now I'm a criminal.
Yeah I was certain I was gonna get a life sentence. I character evidence played a big role. A lot of people who I hadn't seen in years came out to vouch for my good nature.
You're implying I view myself as lawful and moral. There is no contradiction; I'm aware that killing is a far more egregious crime and am paying the price of a sentence for it -which I accept. What I don't accept is that a criminal shouldn't be ready for any punishment. When I turned that guy's face into shoe cleaner, I was ready to be killed. Remorse isn't the issue. I don't care about how remorseful he was about stealing iphones and smoking weed, it's inconsequential. It's about crime and punishment[:^)]. He received his and now I receive mine. I doubt he was going to kill, but beating me up not something I'd sit idly by for
My parents don't blame me but they're not happy I'm going to prison obviously. Thanks for the rec. I might do that although my ambition fizzled out long ago.
I live in a migrant area. I mean maybe he was sri lanka or something, but Pakistani is really common ethnicity. Would you prefer he was black? Or Syrian? Anything but white is /pol/bait. The fight began because he kicked me and then I elbowed him. I'm not some martial arts god.
I did but this was at the station. I know you're not suppose to talk without a lawyer but I feel like acting cool about the situation would only make me look worse.

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