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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4760917 [DELETED]  [View]
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>relatively new to university, don't study philosophy but interested in it and decide to go to some talks
>no friends
>zizek giving a talk at my university a couple of months ago
>the floor opens and the audience can ask questions
>i stand up and mutter 'but zish is an anomoly slavoj because...' in perfect slovenian philosopher accent
>i've tried to block it from my mind
>because no one knows me they think this is how i really talk and zizek doesn't pick up on it either before going into some lengthy diatribe completely separate from what i said
>cute girl comes up to me after the lecture and asks if i am slovenian and to invite me to some drinks with the philosophy undergrads
>i've kept this accent up for months at this stage, it's just part of my life
>when will it ever end

I have friends now, but they think I'm slovenian and they call me Zizek. What can I do /lit/?

>> No.4633449 [View]
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ya but "where's the proof" as they say

>> No.4474175 [View]
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Thanks slut, seems like a decent site.

>> No.3948004 [View]
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but he's all doughey

>> No.3925606 [View]
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Hey /lit/.

So I've always kinda hated Philosophy (I don't go around burning philosophy books and shit, I just avoid it, I'm not an actual hh8rrr) and try to stay away from it as much as possible but it's hard since /lit/ is the board I frequent the most. Why the people at 4chan don't make a separate board for your intellectual circle jerks so people interested in literature don't have to see them is beyond me. Well not really, this board's slow as it is so I guess it makes sense.

Anyway, day after day I see a shitton of threads about this fugly faggot Zizek or however the fuck you spell it, I honestly don't care.

Can any of you brilliant minds (for you're into Philosophy, and that obviously means a superior intellect) please enlighten me and give me a sooper brief (I'm sooper ADD when it comes to reading about shit I quite frankly despise) description of this dude annd what he's about? Keep in mind I'm a total Philosophy pleb (and wish to stay that way), so don't throw any fancy names in there please. Keep it short. Thanks

>TL;DR who's Zizek and what's he about? Keep it short.

Fuck he's hard to look at.

>> No.3916111 [View]
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guten morgen Herr Žižek

>> No.3887286 [View]
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How would you define Zizeks Materialism. I wouldn't call it a Materialism in the classical Marxian sense, because by taking political-economy / capital as object we'd have a classical subject-object distinction (Adornos primacy of the Object) and no place for the RSI, barred Other and barred subject and so on.

>> No.3879412 [View]
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I mean, my god, I'm not bullshitting here.

>> No.3851709 [View]
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So does this mean we can have a Zizek Fanfiction Thread

>> No.3835838 [View]
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>> No.3574340 [View]
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ha, that actually laugh properly for the first time today

>> No.3373379 [View]
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i'm out

>> No.3332948 [View]
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>> No.3236513 [View]
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>Cocaine Nights, J.G. Ballard

>> No.3160813 [View]
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Zizek for the hesitant non-Lacanian:
>First as Tragedy, Then as Farce
>Living in the End Times
>The Year of Dreaming Dangerously
I also recommend Sublime Object of Ideology, but that's a little more "heavy" than the above mentioned.

>> No.3141390 [View]
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>> No.3134111 [View]
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> all the beating around the bush
This is where the fun stuff happens.

>> No.3118490 [View]
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>The End of History and the Last Man
>The Sublime Object of Ideology
How well are these going to together?

>> No.2628419 [View]
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Semi-related, but what the fuck is up with this guy constantly touching his face, rubbing his neck, picking his nose or drilling his finger into his ears? As if we didn't know you're a dirty Slav.

>> No.2541885 [View]
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"On Namek, however, thish theme of the asshimilated immigrant ish co-oped by the theme of colonialishm. On Namek, Goku ish show hish identity and the metamorphishish of it ash it ish projected on the tribal men of Namek. Alsho, in Friesha, he sheesh the asshimilation in the fleshsh. Here, Friesha is preshented ash thish perfect being whish hash no flawsh. However, I claim that thish very characterishtic is what makesh him pure evil. Friesha ish thish fascistic ideal of the pure asshimilated men. All the flawsh are gone, all the traditional charactershtics have evaporated. To me, thish givesh ush the shignificant inshide in the re-eshtablishment of the relationship between Goku, or actually Kakarot, and Vegeta, ash there ish thish common recognition of shared traditional ideals. Thish ish the main ideal of the multicultural shoshiety."

>> No.2538750 [View]
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>> No.2386290 [View]
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>> No.1637551 [View]
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"porn today has changed how we have sex, so that now even real sex is actually fake and nobody is enjoying themselves. Now suck my balls" - Zizek

>> No.1471707 [View]
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He's a philosopher, sociologist, film critic, former politician...

None of those things are mutually exclusive.

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