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>> No.12638918 [View]
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>I have increasingly have been thinking about a Deleuzean approach to aesthetics as the most universally applicable type of judgment-sorcery.
i would agree

>Aesthetics have gotten a bad rep via Baudrillard complaining about mere appearances with no substance and TLP warning us about delusions of appearance ect., but a good Nietzchean aesthetics of affirmation seems like the fastest way to make people out of capitalist p-zombies.
this also. i'm a big fan of Baudrillard and i enjoy reading him a great deal but this is exactly what makes Land Land - you think it's about disappearances? go right ahead and think that. something else is 100% coming into being through those disappearances, and it loves that you think it's not there. it also loves your dithering and your vain attempts to banish it with Gallic disdain. ain't happening.

>Beauty from banality. A single crysanth in a monster zero bottle vase. It was always the romantics, they already solved the enlightenment, Kierkegaard saw all this coming ect.
as i was saying above, i actually think the Enlightenment is not the craziest possible cure for the madness-inducing horror of acceleration and postmodernity, and i think it's why Land mysterious tweets the Jolly Roger now and again. i think i can still bet on the bottomless sea against both industrial machines *and* Cthulhu, if that makes any sense. the sea itself can wipe all fantasies away, even Lovecraftian ones.

>As far as the creation of artificial time goes, Primer is the best there is. For the full Meltdown experience, it's probably something like Akira.
true to both of these. very good points. you are correct.

also, thought you guys might be interested in this, or any other anons ITT who want to read further (although god only knows why): look, it's Uncle Nick's own list of /acc stuff.


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