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>> No.20838729 [View]
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I started when I was 13 just reading the bible and realizing that the average low Church protestant is a retard. Go full retard and just start reading scripture. When you find a difficult theological question, consult Ask questions for a very corporate and average Protestant response and Catholic answers. You'll start to see what side has a better response as your questions are answered.

You'll get faith testing questions right out of the gate, like "Why did Lots daughters roofie then rape him after leaving the city" or "Why did Moses murder a man then try and hide the body? Is he credible?" "Why did God make people bow down before a stick with a golden serpent in order to be cured instead of just curing them? Isn't Satan a serpent and doesn't this encourage idolatry?" These are some of the questions you'll have after just a week of study.

When reading scripture remember that the OT and NT echo each other. Find parallels between the two. When finished read Church history. This should take several years, don't just hop on the Trad Catholic/Orthodox meme bandwagon. I'm a trad cath but if you just start Church hopping right out of the gate you won't ever make theological progress as you relearn and unlearn all the things different denominations taught you. Take it from me, I went from Baptist to Herbert Armstrongs Seventh Day cult to almost Mormon to Orthodox catechuman before settling on and staying Catholic for several years now.

Do not be annoying when converting and do not make it known at all until it's solid, or you may realise that your denomination does not hold the truth and convert elsewhere. After doing this several times you won't be taken seriously and you won't be able to be used to convert your family.

If you do not practice the faith what you know will be of no use when you are dead and will afford you no mercies on the day of wrath. God may be angrier you knew better and you may loose leeway.

Please for the love of God dont just start listening to grifter#6969's podcast and convert to a religion after a week he knows nothing and has gay sex. He does not read the Church fathers he reads summaries of them from wikipedia and probably goes to mass liturgy or his respective denominations services once every 3 weeks.

And whatever you believe in, even if it's something I disagree with, be an extremist. Do not be lukewarm. Your faith is the most important aspect of your life.

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