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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18117744 [View]
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The future. It is all I have to think about. In my classes right now, I put in the minimal effort required to get by with A's. My parents and grandparents all know that I am a good student that has a good brain between their ears, but I can't bring myself to exert that much effort into these simple assignments for these classes that claim to be challenging but aren't. In my physics class especially, I tend to just browse the internet looking at forums and watching whatever video interests me at the time while I put the zoom meeting on low volume and ignore the teacher. Come the test, I just watch more youtube videos that explain the concepts in a clear and concise way and breeze through the test. I've always been a student that is enrolled in upper-level courses, but I feel like the courses have hit a wall where I'm not learning much anymore. But where I do learn, upon discussing it with my parents they say that they haven't used whatever concept we were discussing outside of highschool. Luckily for me, my district has a program where students are able to take classes at a local community college. This is why I am excited for the future. These classes appear more difficult, more intellectually stimulating, and in some cases more interesting to me. I hope that this is what I need to finally break my habit of academic laziness. I plan on taking courses like law, which interests me (and to please my mother who thinks I would make a good lawyer), and courses in accounting, which I currently want to major in, and a course in the modern history of Europe, which I enjoy and have been reading about since I recently found out the origins of my family, my last name, and the country which governed over them (pic related). Furthermore, I look forward to growing up so that I can experience and enjoy the privileges and responsibilities that come with being a man.

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