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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23480168 [View]
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Literally Me, but a piss.

>> No.22675879 [View]
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>Look at author's credentials
>Harvard professor with 30 awards after their name and 5 published books.

>> No.20253666 [View]
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>and asked her why she doesn't give me enough attention. I end up saying I'm a idiot and she said "Oka
Imagine being a beta male orbiter and placing your entire self worth and happiness on the attention of some 80 IQ female, nigga have some dignity and self respect

>> No.20029288 [View]
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>> No.19859460 [View]
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>Look into this room. What a dreadful place it is! The roof is red hot; the floor is like a thick sheet of red hot iron. See, on the middle of that red hot floor stands a girl. She looks about sixteen years old. Her feet are bare, she has neither shoes nor stockings on her feet; her bare feet stand on the red hot burning floor. The door of this room has never been opened before since she first set her foot on the red hot floor. Now she sees that the door is opening. She rushes forward. She has gone down on her knees on the red hot floor. Listen, she speaks! She says;

>"I have been standing with my feet on this red hot floor for years. Day and night my only standing place has been this red hot floor. Sleep never came on me for a moment, that I might forget this horrible burning floor. Look," she says, "at my burnt and bleeding feet. Let me go off this burning floor for one moment, only for one single, short moment. Oh, that in the endless eternity of years, I might forget the pain only for one single,short moment."

>The devil answers her question: "Do you ask," he says, "for a moment, for one moment to forget your pain. No, not for one single moment during the never-ending eternity of years shall you ever leave this red hot floor!" "Is it so?" the girl asks with a sigh, that seems to break her heart; "then, at least, let somebody go to my little brothers and sisters, who are alive, and tell them not to do the bad things which I did, so they will never have to come and stand on the red hot floor."

?The devil answers her again: "Your little brothers and sisters have the priests to tell them these things. If they will not listen to the priests, neither would they listen even if somebody should go to them from the dead."

>Oh, that you could hear the horrible, the fearful scream of that girl when she saw the door shutting, never to be opened any more. The history of this girl is short. Her feet first led her into sin, so it is her feet which, most of all, are tormented. While yet a very little child, she began to go into bad company. The more she grew up, the more she went into bad company against the bidding of her parents. She used to walk around the streets at night, and do very wicked things. She died early. Her death was brought on by the bad life she led."

>> No.19462423 [View]
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>This is what anglos actually believe

>> No.18915649 [View]
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>the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife. The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back, down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect

>> No.18695300 [View]
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>> No.18637924 [View]
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>mom, dad, and pre-school found the drawings of skeletons and people dying brutally

>> No.18531746 [View]
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>I am 25 and feel very old already

>> No.18266413 [DELETED]  [View]
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>yeah bro here is my picture of a highlighted passage of a book I did not read and do not understand the larger philosophical, spatial, nor historical context of the passage I am posted

>> No.18108070 [View]
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>vague title
>no description on the back, only quotes from reviews
>no jacket

>> No.17982793 [View]
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>> No.17863824 [View]
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>> No.17840921 [View]
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>living for no purpose
might as well be dead lmao
although I wager you already are, you just deluded yourself thinking you're still alive because you still breathe, as if that is the only requirements

>> No.17457949 [View]
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>tumblr tier motivational poster with somebody's fucking @ on it

>> No.17406323 [View]
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