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>> No.18626667 [View]
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>That's because when you declare yourself an "individual" with universal "human rights",
>when you declare yourself

Yeah, that's how that happened...
Our fate was decided after WW2, mainly by Jewish banks which at that point held both the US and UK governing bodies in their fists since those were in debt to them as they borrowed money for the "war effort".

It was decided then by those bankers that what occurred a couple years prior could never be allowed to happen again.
That's why, in the following couple of decades they undertook radical steps to normalise immigration, feminism, race-mixing, lower birthrates and undermine identity, to make sure the majority of our industries end up abroad, so we may not seize the means of production.

The immigration act of 65' (proposed and written by a Jew), second and third wave feminism (look up feminists by ethnicity on Wikipedia) the civil rights movement culminating a couple of years later (predominantly led and financed by Jews), the SPLC (at least 60% Jewish) the ADL, dozens and hundreds of civil right advocates, attorneys, and agencies. Studying them you quickly see the pattern.

>Jewish corporations work only for the sake of capital accumulation, and as such fuck over everyone they can. Including ordinary Jews
>Jewish corporations

Ah yes... That's why they flock together, from different states and countries even... and start companies and initialise businesses where they only appoint Jews to head positions...
If a Jew was only after money then why does he conspire with other Jews to attain it?
If he doesn't care about being Jewish, then why does he do things which favour Jews?

>Then he demands aid for a bureaucratical monstrosity that fucks ordinary Jews just as well
It doesn't...
Not the Jews he cares about anyways.

>You can thank protestantism for that
Christianity was alive and well long after protestantism, and its decline came from outside the churches.
The churches adapted to secular conditions and pressure, not the other way around.

>Academia is taken over by those, who have higher verbal IQ
Let's for a second assume the only reason why Jews are so influential in academia is verbal IQ.
That doesn't negate their "jewing", nor does it explain their anti-white and anti-muslim rhetoric, works, and ideologies.

They do that because they're Jewish.

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