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>> No.12040356 [View]
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the acceleration-specific reading list is here.

Augustine is one of the most important intellectual influences on the development of Western civilization after Plato and Christ himself. he is the great synthesizer: with him Greek philosophy, Roman law, Christian religion, Judaic religion, and Persian religion all come together in a single person, and what he produces becomes the OS for the Roman empire for the next thousand years. it is not an understatement to say that he lays the foundations for Christendom and Europe itself, and is directly connected to a fundamental shift from late antiquity to the early modern period. in classical antiquity there is nothing like *heresy,* as much as in the middle ages there is nothing like *tragedy.* this is due in no small way to the role of Augustine himself. these things are in some way beyond good and evil, and it was not really until Nietzsche that the meaning of Greek tragedy was re-discovered again. Augustine is one of the great ethical teachers of mankind.

it's possible that once we Solve For Postmodernity via Cosmotech that a Cosmotech: The Prequeling thread could be talked about, in which we just get at the origins of technology and so on from a different perspective. Land does not have a great amount of feeling for either Nietzsche or Christianity, but there is a dyad there that very much leads to today, which is less like a rehashing of the Thirty Years' War than a protestant civil war fought between Red and Blue protestants. it will be ugly, and may give rise to a kind of Neo-Enlightenment, or maybe not. it is the hope of Cosmotech threads that this *does* happen, and there is more than enough in Land et al to make a case for why this is both historically necessary, and highly compatible with YH's request:

>Cosmotechnics proposes that we reapproach the question of modernity by reinventing the self and technology at the same time, giving priority to the moral and the ethical.

i'm fine with "Acceleration for moralfags." i personally don't think it's hard to see why morality is missing today. weaponized irony can only repeat its same and diminishing hand of cards now, over and over again. at bottom it is only one and the same card: Not You. metaphysics of difference are for real, no question. but the problem of knowledge itself has changed, as has the nature of nihilism and existentialism. *nihilism is a collective process also.* i'll have more to say on this later. that a question about *time* runs all the way from the pre-Socratics, through Benedictine monasteries, through Kant, through all of the modernist masters, through Heidegger, and all the way to Landian Temporalization is the thing i most want to discuss. before acceleration there was Being, in many different forms. Being - or Temporalization - has never been Greater than it is now.

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