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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12883743 [View]
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>> No.12828119 [View]
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>> No.11702669 [View]
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Currently enrolled in one of the most liberal schools in Canada after transferring from another incredibly liberal school.
From what I've seen, these sorts of experiences exist, but it's wholly dependent on your particular professor.

Story time:

I had this one prof - his name was Garry.

Garry was a Chinese immigrant who introduced himself to the class by saying that if we signed up for any other lit courses in addition to his, we were going to be miserable, and that the uni was probably going to strike soon, so we should book our flights home now.
His was a course on the origins of myth in literature, and where their components can be found in modern literature and pop culture. Really interesting concept and syllabi - relating Odyssey to Dracula and shit like that.
When I first met him I thought he was kinda funny, in a curmudgeonly sort of way.
His 5'3 frame and fu-manchu mustache would rip around the class announcing that students today are terrible compared to his day, saying that typing notes was pointless and that kids today have no work ethic, while handing out 30 printouts.
He would digress and ramble, being in the middle of the lecture talking about the importance of the number 3 and quoting poetry, then suddenly begin asking if anyone had seen the newest episode of Star Trek Discovery.

I liked Garry.

Garry was a cunt.

Our first assignment was due, and I chose the topic of Oedipus, and how the myth is still relevant today. My answer was that it wasn't, so much.
My argument was that the archetypal Greek tragedy has a great deal in common with modern satires, and that under the eye of a liberal, post-modern reading, the original shock and moral is more likely to have lost its impact on readers.
I backed this up with a myriad of sources, citing books on the fundamentals of satire, comparing the hyperbole and violence and subversion of the protagonist to a book like American Psycho or the film Oldboy.
After I was done writing it, I took it to another professor (I'd never met before), who was an authority on Greek lit and history. He said it was the best undergrad paper he'd ever read.

Garry gave me a 40. After I asked to talk about my grade, Garry refused to respond to my emails. Garry wouldn't make eye contact with me in class. Garry would ignore me if I asked a question.

The moral of the story is, the subject matter of the course doesn't matter, nor does the ideology of the professor. It's the prof's attitude and personality that matters.
I dropped Garry's course so that the mark wouldn't show up on my GPA, which is just shy of a 4.0. Had I not done that, I wouldn't have been able to get into the school I'm in now.
I've had raging feminist profs who, after I spoke with them after class, were really interesting and reasonable. If there was something I didn't agree with in class, I said so, and we discussed it. It was always civil, and interesting.

Fuck Garry.

>> No.9637187 [View]
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>>2. She is proud of her heritage

>> No.9566239 [View]
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>> No.7814636 [View]
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OP here.
Despite the flag, I'm actually a canuck.

>> No.7525111 [View]
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It is indeed.

>> No.7429707 [View]
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>mfw Dworkin has become a meme writer on /lit/ and people pretend that a spurious accusation = a guarantee


>> No.7424879 [View]
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I actually wrote a response earlier but deleted it since I didn't say what I meant.

I actually agree with his rebuttal, I think that society before the civil rights movement isn't really analogous to ours, but that being said: its not a good precedent to defer judgement to the common-denominator/majority.

That being said, you're concept may be even worse. Yes, there are only going to be a small number of truly exceptional people, but to act as if this observation naturally grants credibility to subversive movements like radical feminism is just as misguided.

To grant it respect on that pretense is just as ridiculous as saying that /r/redpill might have a point because afterall just because they're so fringe that perhaps they just need to guide all of the poor blind people!

>Mainstream liberal feminism seems pretty misguided.
What do you define as mainstream? Because currently there are quite a few quite popular movements to eliminate guilty-until-proven-innocence law in cases of sexual assault accusations. Or in the case of "safe spaces" like in Missouri. Are these liberals still moderate to you?

>Anita Sarkeesian
>Worth anything

She literally goes to speaking conferences and then reads from a fucking script. Even among radical feminists she appears to be a pretty weak intellectual, at least others publish books and essays. Anita's body of work is comprised of over-funded videos that are infrequently released and which (in some cases) have objectively misleading/false observations (i.e. hitman's killing system ACTIVELY de-centivizes killing civilians, let alone women)

Doesn't that misreading make you doubt her findings in any way? She claims to have played the game, and developed a thesis behind the way in which it treats women which is fundementally based in misinformation. If you say that the player is meant/led to degrade women in a game where they are mislead/not-intended to do that then your credibility HAS to take a hit to some extent right?

I think that the issue at the heart of this is that the patriarchy argument is founded on a premise that is nearly un-falsifiable in any way. Evidence that it exists? Boom, it exists. No Evidence that it exists? Well, you're just being brain-washed.

There is objective proof that many social behaviors of children are dictated biologically as I linked to before, and when you adjust the "wage-gap" you will naturally find that it is reduced to almost 0.

The problem is that you have no evidence whatsoever that there isn't a naturalistic explanation. You're presupposing your conclusion by saying: "See! Women aren't equally represented even though we're equally skilled therefore the ONLY explanation is discrimination!"

But that premise pre-supposes equal enrollment/education/interest, and then equal skill, luck, and so many other things. We. Don't. Know. Assuming the conclusion without evidence is theistic logic.

>> No.7409820 [View]
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>endorses marxism

Nah. I mean, I think he has some interesting thoughts, but the overall framework is flawed in its inception.

>> No.7384796 [View]
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Mah nigga.

My favorite is personal favorite is between 1984 and 100 years of solitude. But my favorite quote of all time is from Hemingway in A Farewell to Arms:

"The The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry."

>> No.7363587 [View]
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Post yfw modern language returns to using fucking hieroglyphs

>> No.7360601 [View]
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He's obviously holding his mp3 player / ipod at a bookmark in the novel, and holding the book up probably because he doesn't want to have his headphones get all fucking tangled or for his music player to slip out.

I do in fact do this whenever i listen to music and read on bus/train/betweenclasses etc

He also has some type of degree in English I'm pretty sure, probably didn't have to work as hard as others for it but it still goes to show that he has some care about the subject and has probably read the classics.

There are honestly a lot of other celebrities that are more deserving of it, even if you hate Franco as a person or an actor,

>> No.7331555 [View]
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Here's my shitty poetry that I wrote in a couple minutes while board in my shitty bird-course class :

>pls no bully

I tire of this mire
Its intractable depths
And unusable palimpsets
Impotent ire choked by fire
Bells and whistles
Flashing lights
Ground to dust by pistle
Starved of meaning, take flight
-- no proper end.

Your shadow is seen only past noon
A moment of reverence shouldered between exertion
Atop you, darkened but faint, its strewn.
But soon its vanquished, forgotten in the heat of creation.
As the soon cools it lengthens
And in so doing strengthens
Its head precedes your step.
Your past, present, and future it's met.
You walk within it now: slow, blind, and fowl.
The way ahead is dug by trowel
Earthen, frozen, bare.
Opens ceaseless, without care.

I cross the river on my own.
The boat leaks, its life: a loan.
But I row of my own accord,
All memories, thoughts, and hopes aboard.
It cannot fought, there is no ford
What lies beyond exists only in farce
Within the pages of my myth enfolded
I am close now.
The margins are clear
I take my bow
And dies like a sow.

>inb4 2edgy4me

Just what came to mind.

>> No.7276873 [View]
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I recently read Montaigne's essay "On Experience".

I think his opinion is pretty nuanced and pretty relevant here:

>"It is an absolute perfection and virtually divine to know how to enjoy our being rightfully. We seek other conditions because we do not understand the use of our own, and go outside of ourselves because we do not know what is like inside. Yet there is no use our mounting on stilts, for on stilts we still walk on our legs. And on the loftiest throne in the world we are still sitting only on our own rump"

>"Greatness of soul is not so much pressing upward and forward as knowing how to set oneself in order and circumscribe oneself… There is nothing so beautiful and legitimate as to play the man well and properly, no knowledge so hard to acquire as the knowledge of how to live this life well and naturally"

>"This ordinary expression “pastime” or “pass the time” represents the habit of those wise folk who think they can make no better use of their life than to let it slip by and escape it, pass it by, sidestep it, and, as far as in them lies, ignore it and run away from it, as something irksome and contemptible. But I know it to be otherwise and find it both agreeable and worth prizing, even in its last decline, in which I now possess it; and nature has placed it in our hands adorned with such favorable conditions that we have only ourselves to blame if it weighs on us and if it escapes us unprofitable"

So. Basically, if you do what you enjoy then your "pass time" (or work) is a desirable thing. But ultimately, staying true to yourself and what you naturally feel free to be predisposed to is the best course of action. The greatest pursuit is simply happiness, whatever gives you a personal sense of meaning and happiness is what is best.


>> No.7154832 [View]
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Post yfw you read about The Old Man and The Sea's 8+ hour arm wrestle.


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