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>> No.22293245 [View]
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I am that anon and sympathetic to Fascism, National-Socialism, Falangism (Phalanxism) and similar related ways of organizing society.

>> No.22190246 [View]
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Because it was not explicitly one thing, does not mean we can not use it as the thing we want. All the Left is built on repurposing and reinterpreting literature and language for their own end, the entire movie industry is built on this. This is the entire pedagogy of the Left.

The Right should embrace and make Tolkien's Legendarium a firm White Nationalist epic. The Haradrim are Arabs and always fall in line with evil, the blacks and browns are Orcs and goblins capable of only crude industry and cowardice. Because Tolkien did not live to see the hell we live in now does not mean we should not take his work and use it to protect what we love and destroy what we hate.

>> No.21651872 [View]
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>> No.21621548 [View]
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They are in possession of the most desirable blood and the most coveted land in the whole of the world. The last one hundred years have displayed this admirably.

>> No.21560995 [View]
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I endeavor to engage with anybody who does with me fairly and without shitposting or misrepresenting what is being said. I don't post bait, I don't post slurs and I don't post ad-hominen. Or at least I try not to for the last one. I've had dozens of well intentioned and enjoyable debates.

>Mein Kampf doesn't have literary value. It's a mere historical document.
Do you not see how these two sentences contradict each other? I don't think highly of it as a work of literary accomplishment, that is exactly what I am tired of. It is an important piece of literature, important and quality are not synonymous.

>It's a lesser product of political propaganda and nothing more.
All manifestos and political treatise are the same. You call your own position reasoned and well informed, you call the other side black propaganda and brain-washing. Which, in an ironic twist, is one of the topics covered in Mein Kampf. I'd encourage you to read it, you may see that it contains a great deal of useful information.

>> No.21508923 [View]
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If you engage me I'd be happy to discuss the posts you mean. To be clear, this is not my thread, nor are any of the others mine.

>> No.21500160 [View]
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I would rather be healthy and stupid than smart and unhealthy. You, however, appear to have suffered dual misfortunes and become both unhealthy and dumb. Not only that you appear to have separated your warriors from your scholars.

>> No.21471123 [View]
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>John Bircher
This is part of the problem, the John Birth Society offer nothing but further atomization of society, it is big-business manipulation of the economy. Their policy of prioritizing economic matters first results in the most extreme anti-natalist policies for the very people you want to have more children. While the dumb minorities, who don't observe any financial planning, have scores of children. Now coupled with the ban on abortion, this will only skyrocket and hasten the end.

There is nothing moral in standing alone while you are surrounded by the enemy and torn down. Link arms, stand in line, shout them down and stamp upon them as you walk over them.

The Right has a mind-virus in its refusal to embrace hard politics and make difficult decisions just as much as the Left has in wanting to increase globalism.

>> No.21441185 [View]
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Class collaboration, most of his writings take aim at the upper and middle classes and encourage them to make the first steps. That fact that he despised the fruit-juice drinking, sandal-wearing, permissive socialist type that was just emerging then suggests he would of hated the absolute state of Left wing politics as it is today with their focus on gays, minorities and all manner of weird sexual stuff.

His utter rejection of Big Brother, surveillance and policing of the written word and spoken word. That is the central meaning of the word Orwellian, it does not simply mean big bad government. It means the complete reshaping of the English language in order to shut down opposition and any counter-thought, much like what we are seeing today. The Modern left is the very personification of what the invention of Newspeak was trying to warn of, this does not happen on the Right, this is strictly a left wing phenomenon. Or at least we have not seen it yet. The Nazi's symbolic book burnings are nothing compared to what Leftists do today in California.

I have a great respect and love for Orwell's writings.

>> No.21421188 [View]
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>It is compatible with a ethno-centric states
Compatible is not sufficient, it must be overtly in favor of the ethno-state if both it and the land is to endure hardship.

>You can help brothers in Christ without destroying your own nation.
No, you really can not. Foreign aid damages everybody, it weakens the receiving nation as it weakens their nation-state and prevents them preparing. It also deprives the donating nation of resources which could be used better for their own people. Foreign aid, regardless to whom it goes to is damaging. The fact that they are Christian should not enter in to it at all.

>Sending aid to a great Christian brown people in their hour of need is not stabbing your own people in the back unless you're a psychopath. Decisions do not boil down to "destroy us or destroy them.
The problem with this thinking is incrementalism. It, along with everything else, gradually grows and swells and is manipulated. The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all.

Brown and especially black people are entirely incapable of sustaining themselves long term. They are unable to govern themselves in a beneficial manner and generally surviving their own terrible decisions. Europe and nations build by Europeans should not police the actions of lesser people and fund their recovery when they spend millions of dollars on a ritual ceremony to ensure a good harvest instead of building flood defenses or investing in soil enrichment. Let them come to the table as an equal or not come to it at all.

>> No.21320648 [View]
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There are aspects of both of their works that I fully agree with and commend them for, that does not mean I am unable to condemn them for refusing to address, coherently, issues of nationalism and ethnic-solidarity, especially when they campaign for it for jews.

As ever, you have failed to provide any serious rebuttal and simply attack the man, not the argument. Meaning you either have no real way to refute what is being said here and are a literal shill or are a dumb as fuck minority type who should not be allowed to step foot in Europe or the West.

>> No.20974519 [View]
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Yes, but Marxists tend to phrase it as Nazism being repressed homosexual urges, what he meant was that if you killed all homosexuals (degenerates, perverts and pedophiles) Nazism would not be needed as their would be little social corruption for them to justify their social policies.

I do like Gorky, he successfully identified the need for God-Building. Fascists successfully implemented this with the mythologicalization of the Blood & Soil of their nations. Had he not been in the Soviet Union, he would of been an ardent Fascist.

>> No.20773756 [View]
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You clearly do not understand how aggregated data works. Or if you do, you have simply refused to acknowledge anything I have said and said people should be allowed to do it anyway. You are a pedophile and should be hanged.

>> No.20474414 [View]
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Wagnar's music is unparalleled in complexity, range, emotion and depth. You are fully aware of this. You hate him because he was a powerful antisemite and a proud German nationalist.

>> No.20446509 [View]
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Money is increasingly not real, there is nothing backing it. We can identify biological origins and ethnic identify from little more than a scrap of bone.

>> No.20437798 [View]
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Happened to me, typical conservative or libertarian type. Read a dozen classics, started graduating further out to the fringes, now pretty much an ethno-fascist now. Ask me anything.

>> No.20369828 [View]
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What you identify anything there which is erroneous? The average man on the street is tired and fed up. We tried not being racist, we tried believing in the free market, we tried believing that we could all work together and raise ourselves all as once. This was all lies, spoken to placate a people whom they feared would unify around creed and shared blood.

All of it destroyed the nation, its people and their history. Few would reject a trade of some civil liberties for homogeneous cities, towns and a return to some traditional values.

>> No.20366154 [View]
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>> No.20177074 [View]
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It deals with that fact that there is more to culture than ethics, values and surface level things. It is blood, soil and kin.

Civic Nationalism is a completely worthless when not paired with the strongest ethnic nationalism

>> No.20025458 [View]
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>You've even a stupider Jew, and probably a product of Jewish inbreeding.

I don't think you're a real person, but a character played by somebody. Probably Anti-Western, my guess is China based on the slightly odd sentence structure poor grasp of grammar.

Same with >>20025079

There is no benefit to preaching the extreme individualism which brings the complete break down of a community, culture, family and eventually the individual itself. He can nudge the argument that way without going full 88s. I keenly await the next figure and hope he urges unity within Nations and expulsion of the parasite.

>> No.19802480 [View]
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>Where's the guarantee that you won't start killing me and my family and countrymen (Lithuanians)

Leave for Israel at your earliest convenience.

>> No.19520390 [View]
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I posted an ardent Anti-Communist. I'm not against socialism, at all, but Marxism is the bane of human life, progress and society.

I would gladly support a Third Position, with a strong national character.

>> No.19514495 [View]
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>Only a powerless minority of right-wingers are nationalists

We just had Trump as a President, either you're retarded or lying. More people exhibit nationalistic feelings than ever before, we have an entire news-media industry geared towards stomping out any feelings of national or ethnic unity in the West. It is there. But unwelcome on social media.

Nowhere did I say Christians can not be Right-leaning, but the definition stands. Trade and engagement with others does not discount nationalism, surrendering sovereignty in favor of keeping it within is globalism. Having cheap plastic shit made by peasants is not nearly on the same scale, but yet people are becoming very disenfranchised with the economy as it no longer supports their endeavors.

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