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>> No.12643440 [View]
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you don't need the JQ to get past that which the opening of Pandora's Box hath wrought. the story of philosophy is racially indifferent. welcome to your Dread Years, it's going to be with you for a while. buckle up and enjoy the ride

i'm not really interested in talking about the Jews Controlling America anon. the whirlwind begins with the French and Industrial revolutions, imho, and there are two catastrophically destructive world wars in the 20C, plus the fact that we just about blew ourselves to shit with nuclear weapons. now technocapital is eating everyone's lunch and nobody knows what the fuck to do about it. we did all of these things to ourselves, by ourselves, in the absence of aid, and with no fucking idea what the endgame is. the Jews are a bunch of guys from the Levant who believe in God. the Nazis were a bunch of guys who believed in fucking those guys up. the story is far less complicated than you are imagining it to be. most people have absolutely no fucking idea what they are doing, thinking, or saying, and they are desperately clinging to the hope that somebody else does. there is no conspiracy. what there is an absolute confusion and total fucking panic that the calls from the divine are no longer being answered in the way that they used do, and that hole cannot be patched up again with any amount of destruction.

>You're culpable in this violence by obfuscating the particular exploitation and lying driving the nihilism. Since your a self-hating faggot you enjoy their sadism because you think it makes you cool and virtuous.
oh dear

>it's straightforwardly bad by everyone's standard including Jews themselves who really just care about having their way despite having to lie and convince jerks like you to embrace the shit.
t. guy who has not embraced his own shit and realized that the calls are coming from inside the house. i recommend drugs and meditation and mysticism in some order. rinse that shit out

sometime in the early 1990s would be my guess

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