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>> No.23107252 [View]
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Haven't read Changes yet, but wouldn't a "reboot" of your DNA not change anything if you're an adult?

A man cannot be a woman because of the bone structure and all the parts are formed differently or missing altogether.
A retard cannot be fixed because his face is already messed-up and his brain is already cooked.

>> No.20306733 [View]
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Studs Terkel: Working

I remember he interviewed a grave digger and the best compliment the grave digger ever received came from a local ditch digger who was visiting a grave. He ditch digger commented on how straight the side of the graves were. It made the grave digger so proud.

>> No.17735246 [View]
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The structures of modern civilization are geared towards speeding up processes and making them generally more comfortable. Everything is easier to do in a time period when compared to the same or similar, equivalent processes, in a previous time period, by only a factor of decades, or 100 years. Thus, we have more resources and better technologies that make our lives easier, so imagine how much easier is the life of the plutocrats and political maneuvers who wish to control as many people as possible in an age of clearly based tech mega corporations speeding their way like a bullet train into everyone's minds. Their resources infinite, their technologies much superior to our own. Being aware of this fact helps, and is what most people are nowadays, aware, thus their control only moves as far as we allow it.

Modernity is the product of human natural teleological instinct. By nature, biology even, humans are programmed to acquire as much information and as much knowledge as possible in order to create things and solve problems. Our inherent goal down to our very physical essences is to create and evolve. And this creation, this evolution, scientific and technological, is ruled over by our natural instincts of self-preservation and practicality. Everything is created by our desire to make our lives easier, less troublesome, make things more comfortable, to produce and to consume.

Thus the creation of modernity is deeply rooted in the instinctive natural human impulses, and the resulting product is a series of structures that enable the self-indulgence of such instincts in others, enabling your fellow man into gluttony, laziness, lust, in many cases psychological base desires such as approval, narcissistic impulses.

Social media is representative of all that. Modernity ultimately is natural and is our biological goal, but it enables our natural instincts to such extreme logical conclusions that the results can be rather unhealthy. It is the measured sophisticated natural instinct causing an explosion of unmeasured and primitive natural instinct in others.

Social media is kinda like that as well. We have created an environment where we satisfy several psychological impulses, such as human connection, companionship, sexual desire, amusement, relatability, approval and so on. However, this can also breed a ground for unmeasured and primitve expressions of narcissism, pornographic addictions, obsessive behavior, attention whoring and envy, such as people who complain that social media is causing them psychological problems because other people are more attractive and rich than them on the internet, which is a manifestation of narcissism from those incapable of dealing with their own egos in face of another person's success and happiness.

>> No.16775452 [View]
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>eight hours
Some of the bigger names can go all day can't they? Your circle probably just has other indies who aren't overly popular themselves (unless I'm underestimating your ability) and might be trying to mimic the business-like schedules of larger fish in an effort to make it. If you're just doing it to pseudo-shitpost and blow off steam or waste time there's nothing wrong with your lack of seriousness, you're not getting thousands of dollars in superchats to be worrying about rigorous schedules, and you're not a real woman to be baiting people into emptying their credit cards.
Now cough up the details you runt, have the "designated threads" linked you once or twice?

>> No.15801038 [View]
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>Yet the strange thing is, that if you lose your vision at a later period in life, you’re actually at a higher risk of developing schizophrenia. If you block out a healthy person’s vision, even for a few days, you can cause hallucinations, and people with schizophrenia have often reported issues with their sight. Visual abnormalities are increasingly being noted as a precursor to schizophrenia.
And just when I thought ripping my eyes out was a good 'last resort' type deal. Really can't catch a break these days.

>> No.13567400 [View]
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What's the best way to improve reading comprehension so I can read faster

>> No.10175134 [View]
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how do I get better at reading

I never read but I realize its very important
I want to be able to read really fast

is there anyway to make me read faster beside just reading

do you get better at it by doing it a lot or are there some tricks to do

>> No.9640390 [View]
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Is it pseudo-intellectual or masterful (unwise/wise) to not study any one religion or philosophy in depth but to instead take each their core principles at face value in comparison to all others within their field and find ground in their similarities instead of at the greatest heights and depths of their realms? Would this make one a simpleton or a realist?

>> No.8103031 [DELETED]  [View]
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im telling you
the dragontails...
they're real

>> No.7489774 [View]
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That happens every day when I go to classes, it makes me quite content though. If it were people I respect as opposed to sorority girls and frat dudes, I might get a little bit self conscious though.

>> No.7222934 [View]
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Hey, ya'll. I really, really enjoyed IJ. What are some similar books?

>> No.5913942 [View]
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>shams are not real in of themselves
try grasping what's at hand here again

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