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>> No.11832221 [View]
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yes, i'm that guy.
>and indeed she is.

well, bravo on the synthesizing in any case, that was the best thing i've read here today and i've read some great stuff here today. i'm not really sure if i can point to what is there in particular i'd like you build further on, i guess i'll just parse some of that for a bit. i just particularly liked that it presented a view of the process which played up the degree to which this process can be more than landian nightmares. i was reflecting about your post in a conversation in a different thread with stuff you promoted:

>so, a question about collective intelligence, perhaps: that intelligence is the degree to which mind partakes in superintelligence. we are all relatively stupid. but we can also work to participate in that which makes us relatively aware of our co-stupidity in the kingdom of the blind.

so what i liked was that however horrible landian stuff might be it just really doesn't make sense to be opposed to intelligence, and that perhaps a synthesized collective intelligence which metastasizes out of capital could be a good thing. of course, we could also just be patting ourselves on the back for this and either a) still be betraying the possibilities of capital v/anthropocentrism or b) congratulating ourselves on the discovery of a process which is going to fuck our shit up completely.

but i liked these posts a great deal b/c of how they highlight the degree not only to which this collective intelligenesis really does make a kind of sense, it might also be in a sense which isn't always fueling the sad passions (though is almost certainly driven by them). it presents a picture of a thing being brought into being that really will be composed of what we fuel it with, in a way.

and in general the mechanistic way you described the whole thing is much more clear, i think, than the ways that i tend to describe this, which is all over the place and full of editorializing and other non sequiturs.

and it was such a great post i wanted more! but mostly b/c i'm greedy like that. anyways thanks for the fine bit of writing anon, really was a pleasure to read. hope to read some more of your stuff on the board ahead.

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