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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7937285 [View]
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This, plus read up on the effects of estrogen and testosterone on cognition. However, the existence of beta men who spoil and fail to stand up to women when necessary is the key to understanding when women don't think like men.

I don't think women are subhuman or inherently trash. My girlfriend is beautiful, kind, and goes to an elite medical school, and I know other women like her who I love to be around. With a loving, supportive family, some but not too much pressure to succeed careerwise, and friends who've had the same, a woman can think an awful lot like a man, whether she is beautiful, hideous, smart or dumb.

Beta men, however, will do anything within their grasp to please women, and these are the majority of men. Betas will spoil women rotten (men can be spoiled rotten too, but the conditions for it aren't as familiar), stab more attractive, confident men in the back, and generally cause chaos in the hopes of touching a vagina.

I don't think that women were often spoiled in primitive societies, and that this is something that started with more prosperous agrarian societies where wealthy men started going out of their way to buy sexual access.

>> No.7160520 [View]
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That version of the literary lifestyle sounds gay af tbh fam. The most literary lifestyle is surfing, competing in a martial art, driving raw sports cars or motorcycles, doing hallucinogens and smoking weed periodically, meditating, fucking hot surfer/kickboxer girls, and writing when you're not doing that stuff.

>> No.7076087 [View]
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If this isn't about Infinite Jest or The Pale King I'll eat my fedora. I don't share the opinions at all but he makes the best case against those books I've read thus far.
It's okay bro, I don't expect you to sell out your prof on 4chan.

>> No.7051913 [View]
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Oh I know Faulkner, went to a Boy Scout event there. It does seem pretty evangelical and tiny, so I don't blame you for transferring out. Be careful with them hogs, bruh. My dad shot a huge one through the lungs with a 7mm magnum and a bullet rated for deer and it didn't make an exit wound. We barely found it because it bled so little externally even though the lungs were totally full. If you're bowhunting I'd strongly recommend not shooting at the big boars unless you're very confident you can get the heart and have the penetration for it. They carry a lot of dense cartilage on the ribcage that fucks with arrows and even rifle bullets.

>> No.7043741 [View]
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No, in the Boston metro area, it's just that a disproportionate percentage of girls I slept with were from Choate and similar schools. Had a girlfriend from Glastonbury, CT back in the day and visiting her at home was like breaking into Elysium. Everything's clean and perfect and kinda boring.

>> No.7017147 [View]
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Write something better.
Don't buy their books.

>> No.7015996 [View]
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There's no "cafe culture" but yeah I read in cafes because I like to read with my coffee and breakfast. I don't write there because I prefer my own room for that. Reading and writing are both common enough in cafes around here that nobody's gonna judge you for it unless you live next door to Sam Hyde or something.

>> No.7006594 [View]
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Not moral/philosophical, but every American should read "Crazy For God" by Frank Schaeffer. He was the son of Francis Schaeffer, an extremely influential figure in American evangelical Christianity that pretty much made it the political force it is today. Frank is still a Christian but rejected Republican Jeezus Christianity after writing books and directing movies that pretty much created that sort of religion. His biggest regret is pushing anti-abortion activism with the movie "Whatever Happened to the Human Race".

He think abortion is an abomination personally but thinks there are good reasons for it to remain legal to some degree.

>> No.6955937 [View]
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Itt: alpahbetical alliterative buttmad synonyms. I'll start:


>> No.6887057 [View]
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Not the guy you're replying to.
After graduating with a degree in a physical sciences field from a top American university where many of my classmates were women, I'd be foolish to say they cannot "do" physics.

They would simply rather be doctors, or dentists or work in a business field, because they value interaction with other humans more than the average male physicist or engineer, who tends to have a narrow focus on his field and be borderline autistic (not something I'd consider superior to the female predelictions for socializing). Pretty sure not being given slide rules to play with as children has nothing to do with it.

>> No.6811852 [View]
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Yeah, if that's what you want to study at university. The great majority of postgraduation jobs are gotten through internships, networking and GPA regardless of the major. Most STEM grads don't work in their undergrad major field. If you study something you like you'll have a better time, learn more and have more time for the stuff that actually gets you hired than if you slog through a major that's torture all the way. Hell, you can even go to medical school and get jobs that require basic programming with just a few extra classes outside of your lib arts major.

The people insisting you go STEM or business ragardless of your interests are pussies. Not even joking, they may be smart but they have no faith in their ability to make something of themselves outside of a rigidly defined paradigm.

Go to the best university you won't go into debt to pay for. Debt makes you a wageslave. That said, don't neglect schools with high sticker prices if you qualify for financial aid or scholarships because they can easily be cheaper than a state school with bad aid.

>> No.6809808 [View]
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Pretty well. But really, it's moving along at 1000-2000 words a day every day and I'm happy with the characters and concepts because I'd already developed them in short story writing and a couple of unfinished novels. It's cliche but if you start a novel without ever taking short fiction seriously I doubt you have the toolkit or proper motivation to finish a novel unless you're just pounding out self-insert fantasy or military sci-fi.

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