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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17786400 [View]
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>I believe that academe is a superfluous rot upon an already decaying cultural body; it is the gnawing of of maggots upon on a corpse which expedites its return to the earth. The question remains to be seen if the culture which these institutions had once sworn to foster will, along with them, close its eyes forever, or if providence has it that it be one day reincarnated from a meagre bud on the forest floor.

>> No.16618878 [View]
File: 16 KB, 151x425, stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you want to know what I told them? “Fuck Hegel.” And they fucking lost it.

>> No.16299125 [View]
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did they seriously cash in on that? fuck em

>> No.14680728 [SPOILER]  [View]
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They only serve milk

>> No.9281994 [View]
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But that's not using your brain, that's just believing what someone 150 years ago told you to believe. I don't really see any reason why Marx's ideas are more valid than Stirner's. In fact, if it came down to it, I'd say egoism makes more sense ethically and rationally than marxism.

>> No.8549691 [View]
File: 15 KB, 151x425, stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is this guy's bibliography overwhelming

Still, I guess I won't be posting about him until I've read it all

>> No.8431217 [View]
File: 16 KB, 151x425, spooked out of my chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8405080 [View]
File: 16 KB, 151x425, spooked out of my chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open up the book that's influenced you the most
>ctrl + f "spooks"
>10,000 results

>> No.7285511 [View]
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coitus is the gigaspook par excellence

>> No.7010718 [View]
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We spoke above of the German philosophical conception of history. Here, in Saint Max, we find a brilliant example of it. The speculative idea, the abstract conception, is made the driving force of history, and history is thereby turned into the mere history of philosophy. But even the latter is not conceived as, according to existing sources, it actually took place — not to mention how it evolved under the influence of real historical relations — but as it was understood and described by recent German philosophers, in particular Hegel and Feuerbach. And from these descriptions again only that was selected which could be adapted to the given end, and which came into the hands of our saint by tradition. Thus, history becomes a mere history of illusory ideas, a history of spirits and ghosts, while the real, empirical history that forms the basis of this ghostly history is only utilised to provide bodies for these ghosts; from it are borrowed the names required to clothe these ghosts with the appearance of reality. In making this experiment our saint frequently forgets his role and writes an undisguised ghost-story.

In his case we find this method of making history in its most naive, most classic simplicity. Three simple categories — realism, idealism and absolute negativity (here named “egoism”) as the unity of the two — which we have already encountered in the shape of the child, youth and man, are made the basis of all history and are embellished with various historical signboards; together with their modest suite of auxiliary categories they form the content of all the allegedly historical phases which are trotted out. Saint Max once again reveals here his boundless faith by pushing to greater extremes than any of his predecessors faith in the speculative content of history dished up by German philosophers. In this solemn and tedious construction of history, therefore, all that matters is to find a pompous series of resounding names for three categories that are so hackneyed that they no longer dare to show themselves publicly under their own names.

>> No.6639480 [View]
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Stirner said more in The Ego than Nietzche ever did, and with less edge.

>> No.6549805 [View]
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There's nothing wrong with a big ego.

>> No.6334619 [View]
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the literary lifestyle is just a spook enforced by people posting on /lit/

>> No.6065919 [View]
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You mean this quote?

"I have in this war a burning private grudge against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler ... Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light."

Because from that quote you can infer that Tolkien's beef with Hitler wasn't about racism or Antisemitism, it was about the fact that Hitler forever poisoned the notion of the "noble northern spirit", i.e. the racial and spiritual superiority of tall, white men from Britain, Germany, and the Nordic countries.

>> No.6063958 [View]
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That's probably the dumbest response you could've made. You may as well claim that action movies are complete garbage because they're designed to be entertaining rather than being "beautifully constructed edifices of thought".

No, they're just two different categories of writing that serve two completely different needs. If you honestly believe that books that are written to be entertaining rather that thought-provoking are automatically trash, you're a retard. Either that or you recently started reading literature so now you're going around acting like it's the greatest thing in the universe. Either way, your opinion is just wrong.

>> No.6053395 [View]
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I'm not sure. I still have the exact same hole in my heart that has existed since I finished LoTR; ASOIAF is really the only other series that has successfully filled the void.

The books that I've decent in my search for the next book are Assassin's Apprentice, The First Law series, Dune, The Kingkiller Chronicles, and (arguably, even though I disliked them strongly) Malazan Book of the Fallen.

>> No.6049480 [View]
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I agree that Black Square and Duchamp's Fountain were huge turning points in the history of art. After that moment art stopped being relevant to the vast majority of peoples' lives and descended into a masturbatory, pseudo-intellectual pit of garbage that produces nothing of cultural value.

The legacy of those two "pieces" is that the purpose of of modern art isn't to create art, it's to generate controversy. It doesn't create anything new, it just shits on old things while pretending that shitting is itself a form of artistic expression. And the bigger the shit you take, the more people you piss off, the more influential you become.

That painting you're defending is probably the biggest shit ever taken on art. After that it was a race to the bottom, a race to see who could make symbols and ideas meaningless the fastest. And now that they've reached the bottom they're just going to continue to shit on each other's turds forever.

That's the legacy of that shitty painting you're defending.

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