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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7298546 [View]
File: 244 KB, 505x316, Laughing Cunt 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to the local library to try to get some reading done
>expecting to be among a bunch of pretentious nerds
>its filled with homeless people who are just there to use the computers
>one of them is literally watching porn that I can hear because his headphones are too loud
>some other guy is watching funny youtube videos and talking to himself "damm son dat guy got fuckin knocked da fug out nigga!"
>Police get called on one guys because he is caught stealing some DVDs(why the fuck is this anti-intellectual shit in a library anyways?) and when the librarian tells him he needs to check them out he starts screaming and says he will "wait for her outside"
Jesus, I always though a library would be a chill place to work, but this is literally adult daycare and the entire place stank like cigarettes from the homeless guys
I live in a nice suburban area too

>Mfw reading Stirner in a public library and realizing the hypocrisy of it

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