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>> No.11867533 [View]
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i can't, i have to go.
>and The Spice Must Flow
>tfw You Can't Stop Progress
>&c &c

besides, it can all get archived on warosu anyways.


the key thing for me - and it’s a whiteheadian notion as well as a leibnizian one - is the skepticism about the sad passions that is required for having a functional human brain in the 21C. the one thing that i find in both ardent disciples of both marx and nietzsche is a that sense of a sanctioned hatred, whether it’s towards the capitalists or the last men - or, for Best (read: worst) Results, the conflation of both.

a word here on foucault. inasmuch as it doesn’t seem like a crazy idea to understand Old Nick as being a hegel-free Right Marxist, foucault in his day was an equally contradictory figure: a hegel-free Left Nietzschean. how you judge the efficacy of either of these projects is up to you, and my own relation to them really isn’t to shill, but mostly to just see if i can understand them.

but there is a sort of a connection here: perhaps we could call it the *automation of discourse,* and because foucault’s particular conflation of Not Marxism and Not Liberalism provides fundamental architecture for the Cathedral, which is germane because capitalism likes the cathedral and, however much it will deny it, the Cathedral likes capitalism also (provided, that is, that neither of these spirits ask too many questions of the other). with land (and arguably with foucault) discursive power becomes automated. societies of control and panopticons are formed not necessarily out of the conscious will of any one particular big brother, but arguably out of technology itself, or a technical thinking theoreticaly predicated on human desire, but not limited to it; its discourse exists whatever instrumentation is required, like firmware, to regulate the flow (and intensity) of ye olde Spice.

now me, i have this old fashioned thing about girard > foucault. so one question to ask about is the role played in society by *sanctioned hate.* i find *scapegoating* more fundamental than sadomasochistic power. whatever you get from the great continental discourse theorists - foucault, baudrillard, lyotard - and it is a lot, you nevertheless get a very different mode of inquest with girard. a sanctioned *disgust* or *revulsion* is a more visible and contemporary phenomenon to me. perhaps the phobic economy > the libidinal economy. maybe it was never love or desire that really seduced us, maybe it was hatred, shock, outrage, disgust, revulsion and fear all along. whether you call it Phobonomics or Misonomics or Pharmanomics or Antinomics. it’s the world of prismatics and the pharmakon.

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