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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11317989 [View]
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Because what John Green is doing is an example of postmodernist education, not a classical education. In a classical education you read the book and try to understand what utility might be extracted out of it to guide you in your life. That's the old system. The new, postmodernist system is: you read the book, and you analyze it in terms of whose social position of power it justifies. So you look for who the supremacist is, in the text. It could be the author, it could be the characters, it doesn't matter. You read the text as if all it does is reflect on the current, corrupt power structure in modern society. And that's the beginning of literary criticism under the social justice regime.

We have Social Justice Tribunals in Ontario. They're named that. The educators in Ontario have already decided that the goal of the education system is to indoctrinate children from from kindergarten-- from kindergarten-- into a radical, postmodern, leftist, communitarian, equity-oriented ethos. That's what they're doing. Even math and science are put under that umbrella. Just go online and download the documents.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission should be abolished. It's a very dangerous and subversive organization. The idea that he purpose of education is to get them while they're young, in kindergarten, so this radical postmodern marxist ideology can be so thoroughly indoctrinated among them that they have no chance of escaping from it. That's what's happening in the education system. It's unbelievable. The people who are producing the educators that emerge from that institute should be put on trial for treason.
Marriage has been lost. Divorce grows in popularity, less and less people get married every year, single mothers are on the rise, and that's a bad thing. And before you say "you can survive without marriage" let me point to every single civilization on earth that independently agreed that marriage was important and those that didn't died out, much like the west is dying out along with marriage.

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