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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7077582 [View]
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Franzen has been a successful male artist who makes a point of kowtowing to SJW priorities in his writing. Sounds like he got a little too brave for his own good and his masters are snapping the leash.

This is a prime example of why you should be honest in your art from the get-go. Eventually you'll want to say something from the heart and you'll have built an audience that doesn't want to hear it.

>> No.7076572 [View]
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It's amazing that progressives expect populations like poor whites and Asians to be okay with their children getting a worse education in exchange for looking tolerant when kids who don't give a fuck about school get bussed into their districts or they try to practice affirmative action in magnet school admissions. You really have to be out of touch to think people are going to hamstring their children for any reason.

I've actually had an activist minority student at a top university accuse me of trying to silence him for requesting that he structure his arguments in a logical manner for the sake of clarity. The basics of logic really shouldn't be beyond you if you're at any university, never mind a good one.

>> No.7057009 [View]
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1. I do not play an instrument

2. I drive a 2001 Ford F-150 Lariat Crewcab with the Fx4 offroad package.

3. I graduated from a top-20 American research university with a B.S. in Biology.

4. I'm reading The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe because I'm curious about the psychedelic movement and it is very good.

5. God doesn't real. I grew up in a super fundamentalist home and church where we read scripture and apologetics all the time. This experience is how I know Christposters here are trolling.

6. I'm a biology major, so the human self is defined by its evolutionary origins. It does exist and it's the most important thing unless you spoof your brain to believe otherwise, which I can neither recommend nor condemn.

7. My favorite landscape so far is Namibian mountainous range land.

8. When I realized that I wasn't going to marry the girl I lost my virginity too, no matter how badly I wanted it, because I wasn't a real man yet and couldn't inspire that kind of confidence in her.

9. I drink very moderately after binging lost its shine in college. I've never smoked tobacco and don't smoke pot anymore.

10. Both avidly. I've hunted in Africa as well as all over the southern U.S.

>> No.7051591 [View]
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I'm convinced this passage is inspired by Gertrude Stein, but it could also be Joyce or T.S. Elliot. While a lot of that stuff is shit, the idea that poetry is shit and revolting against existing style never produces anything worthwhile is nonsense. Rand is basically jumping on the awkward adolescence of methods that are much better executed by other writers later on. Because she's such a brilliant prose stylist herself, obviously.

>not getting Gravity's Rainbow
Pynchon did once say that he was "so fucked up while writing it, I look back at some passages and can't imagine what I meant," but notice that he only says "some sections" and even then he didn't edit them out. Why? Because they contribute to the overall tone of a novel about mental disintegration and death, topics Rand's stilted prose can only dry-hump like a rutting chihuaha while Pynchon rails it with his cracked-out PoMo schlongus. If you're too slow or impatient a reader to take those passages in and set them in context, then GR isn't for you and you deserve to read Rand.

>> No.7033300 [View]
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Super dank postmodern lit about American pioneers, immigrants, the military-industrial complex, sailing, North Korea, bizarre murders and the unrequited love of a teenage girl bringing a man who thought he was self-actualized to his knees as the world ends and he reverts to pure emotional response.

>> No.7019960 [View]
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They said they gave refunds because the book was sold under false pretenses as a summer blockbuster instead of a rough draft, essentially that the publishers ripped everyone off through false advertising.

>> No.6809833 [View]
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>tfw first story I ever sent out got published
I'm terrified I've peaked.

>> No.6752968 [View]
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>being this mad you're lower class
There's a whole world of women that are actually worth taking seriously and are sexually adventurous, but if you didn't buckle down in high school you probably don't have a ghost of a chance with them. You'll know you've made it when you can discuss King Lear with a blonde ballerina/athlete/playwright from Harvard while she's still tied to your headboard.

>> No.6672672 [View]
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>Tell cousin I'm beginning to take writing more seriously.
>"Oh, what genre?"
She only reads Star Wars novels and fanfiction, and seems disappointed that I don't get excited when she brings them up.

>"Hey Dad, I'm well into that novel I've been writing."
>"Oh, what's the message."
mfw my parents are both suspicious of any fiction without an overtly fundamentalist Christian moral.

How I handle the plebs I love?

>> No.6636735 [View]
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Easy. The next great American novel will be about how digital connectivity and the availability of more media catering to your tastes than anyone could ever consume allows everyone (not just 4chan NEETS) to effectively live in an unprecedented huge echo chamber. It will go beyond DFW's "Turn your brains on, people!" and will turn the discerning reader on to his own hypocrisies and weaknesses while being a pleasant read that the less discerning reader will "identify with" and recognize people they know in.

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