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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21780615 [View]
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>> No.21691931 [View]
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>It’s like when you got bullied in kindergarten and then used your stuffed animals to give yourself compliments. “Don’t cry Billy, those bullies are idiots! You’re the most amazing and special person in the whole world!” as you wipe your tears.

>> No.21616182 [View]
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>Poets are just kids who didn't make it- and never had it at all.

The final redpill.

>> No.21579711 [View]
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Christcucks have shit for brains.


>> No.21561030 [View]
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>> No.21560219 [View]
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My man, 4chan is not designed to be what you think it is. Look at the actual rules of the site and board. If they were enforced correctly, you'd have something not unlike most other sites- only with the added benefit of the format of 4chan.

>> No.21552289 [View]
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Not up on Harris in particular, but I hope you don't generally mean that God is necessary for good behavior.
If God is the only reason you don't rape and steal, you are simply a low quality human.

>> No.21551345 [View]
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its a well known technique, what are you talking about

>> No.19274216 [View]
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>the NPCs are trying to make memes

>> No.19137079 [View]
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Why would you call your mother a nigger?

>> No.18249165 [View]
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Neil Gaiman ?

>> No.17559615 [View]
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>doesn't use quotation marks for dialogue.

It always surprises me how many are confused by this.

Like, when writing in first person, I tend to sometimes omit the MC's dialogue to avoid pointless repetition. For example, if the character is talking to someone and thinks, "What was X doing last night?" Then I might just move directly to X's answer, "Oh, I didn't go anywhere, I stayed home." instead of repeating the question. It's implied that the line was voiced, by the fact that it was answered. Makes sense, right?

But I always get some comments saying, "wtf how did X read the MC's mind? This was so confusing".
What the hell

>> No.16262150 [View]
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This reminds me of a funny story

>See qtπ girl reading Infinite Jest at college
>Walk up to her
>"So you like DFW huh?"
>"Yes, he's brilliant!" she responds, clearly excited
>Decide to engage her in an intelligent literary discussion
>"Did you know that he killed himself because he hadn't any talent?"
>"E-excuse me?" (she is clearly impressed by my expertise)
>"He can't write, he can't think; there's no discernible talent"
>"Ooo-kay..." she says and turns back to her book
>I tear it from her hands and launch it across the room with all my strength
>"Why don't you read some real literature instead?"
>"What the hell!?"
>"I recommend Hemmingway. Now there's a man's man"
>"I don't like Hemingway!"
>"Hemmingway," I correct her. "It has two m's"
>She collects her book from where it lies three metres away and storms off, completely defeated by my insoluble logic
>I open my laptop
>That feel when no gf

Anyway all memes aside, why bother reading someone who couldn't even live with himself? The only sincere moment in the life of David Foster Wallace was when he kicked away the chair. The rest of his life was a lie, the new sincerity was a joke whose punchline was the creaking of his leather belt around the rafter. His literary career was a menagerie of self help lies told to keep his depression at bay. The audience pussy and drugs were the ghosts at that feast of hypocrisy. The depression turned out to be completely warranted because behind all the gimmicks and the self awareness and the bandannas was no discernible talent.

>> No.14319038 [View]
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>Lucifer is called the "light-bringer"
>"4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it."

>> No.14270781 [View]
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How do I start being interesting? I have no interesting facts about myself. I've never had a gf and I've never had friends or any social experiences since school. I had zero interest in my degree and all of my jobs except my current one, and even my interest is being ruined now that it is being revealed to me that social skills matter so fucking much.

I waste so much time on mindless internet browsing, so I guess giving that up would force me to do something interesting.

I'm too smart to fall for religion or wallow around in the infinitely large and unfalsifiable real of philosophy. I am kind of interested in politics but not enough to do anything when demographics are destiny.

I exercise but not intensely. I read more books than most people but only for the sake of reading books. I retain very little. I couldn't give an hour long lecture on any topic in any depth.

I have anti-charisma and I'm ugly.

>> No.14238909 [View]
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>yellowfooted boot.
The French are coming?

>> No.12958323 [View]
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I am an ancinet fag. I have been posting on here since 2005. The original ethos of 4chan is what i call a jester nihilism. "Doing it for the lulz". Being anon means 2 things, rejecting the dogma of representation, and believing in nothing. This is what the pol tards dont actually understand. When you are posting on 4chan you have no idenity. I could tell you i was a blasian math teacher living in russia. You wouldnt know.

4chan is Dionysian. It says nothing matters but while we are here we might as well have some laughs. So this means 4chan is a being of pure chaos.
Not only that, it has no identity and it can pretend to be anything and anyone. And its also made up of Hundereds, maybe thousands of people pretending to be other people.

So you have this god clown creature called 4chan existing who likes to antagonize people on purpose because its funny. Then the 2010s arrive and liberals start doing lines and injecting identity politics straight into their veins.
And they turn into these "im offended at everything all the time" morons.

It was like bugs bunny meeting elemer fudd for the first time

>> No.12884519 [View]
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>Book contains your flesh

>> No.11705500 [View]
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>yfw you realize that at least 90% of black people sub-vocalize

>> No.10762701 [View]
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that ending to Two Gentlemen of Verona tho

>> No.9082803 [View]
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>tfw will never finnish

>> No.6960700 [View]
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>You'll have to actually try to write a good novel

>> No.6689246 [View]
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>tfw smoked way too much strong salvia at once while lying down on a bed in the dark
>tfw I went to another universe and was convinced by a salvia-creature that this universe was only a figment of my imagination and that I had been in salvia-land forever.
>tfw I died there and ceased to exist for trillions of years
>tfw I had to regrow my body in an incredibly painful process
>tfw once I had regrown my body I was able to wake up and remember I had once been a person somewhere
>tfw I remembered how to open my eyes and I was back in my room and it had only been 30 minutes

stick with regular psychedelics, don't do salvia unless you are bored of life and every other drug and you genuinely want to be shocked

>> No.6549921 [View]
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