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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12208485 [View]
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10. i think virgin guys are so miserable because they're followers of this modern morality of sex and hedonism; and feel like sinners, unable to fulfil their duty of carnal pleasure.
i might be wrong. miserable virgins please add thoughts on this.
the derision that promiscuous men/women have to incel types is almost like that of a victorian Holier-Than-Thou to a petty sinner.

11. the left should never have conceded that gender exists tbqh. gender categories are pure linguistic confusion a-la conflation of similar signs across distinct Witt language games

12. can any physicists add thoughts: if the arrow of time is determined by entropy, and causality runs from past to future, then if entropy reverses in a system do we get retrocausality? as run-away capital is a negative entropy process, nick land's AI God should be able to cause the conditions for his own creation.

13. i hate oscar wilde. i hate anyone who likes oscar wilde

14. the final recourse we must exploit from the oppressed is their revolutionary potential. this is not an act of compassion -- but an enslavement more brutal than any we've performed so far.
we will throw off our power like a sickness onto them, just before the system swallows us all. we will conscript them into the war with the machine we have unleashed -- for nothing else than our own survival. good luck kiddos

15. this is just some (probably condescending) advice to men about getting girls:
girls don't know whether a man is attractive. hell, guys dont know if a girls attractive. instead, they outsource the decision to the collective. attraction is almost entirely pre-selection. just act like youve been pre-selected, they wont know the difference.

16. schizophrenia
monologue is insufficient for epistemic expansion -- ie: it increases what is known but not what CAN be known.
only dialogue (ie logos-ised conflict) is generative. it's so useful that in a court we create an artificial conflict between two lawyers, who will generally outcompete a king solomon-esque judge. likewise, our mind artificially fractures itself to mimic the conflict between two sides -- only this is capable to actual creativity (think hegelian synthesis). schizophrenia is just the pathologisation of the adaptive fracturing. but we should be careful not to remove the entire fracturing -- in society or in the individual.

17. plastic in the ocean is such a fucking non-issue it drives me nuts. also people crying about pandas or rhinos or some bullshit species going extinct.
compared to: deforestation, greenhouse gas, desertification

>> No.8111285 [View]
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hmm. do you know what that image references.
anyway, idk. if i was more clued up about current affairs i might be /pol/. its just that most of the media i consume is from a time when people were pretty conservative/sexist/colonialist so maybe im reacting against something that doesnt exist. its a bit cheap to point out aggressive progressive leftists and say "this is why i hate jews and women and why black people are subhuman ect". /pol/ just reeks of bitterness to me. i dont want to sound like a Guardian-reading Corbyn-supporter (though tbcompletelyh i am) because i am open to all views. its just that the "kill kikes, WE WUZ, cuck.. ect" rhetoric is as damaging to right-wing lit discussion as it is to left.

also though, Trump is literally a shitty human being. i have literally no idea why working-class white men like someone who gives literally 0 shits about them. but i suppose thats the absolute chaos that is american political ideology. (two party systems=two ideology system) (can someone please explain to me what the difference is between left and right any more?)
im not saying he's hitler but if those are the views he's willing to say, what do you think he actually believes about hispanics/women/muslims ect? how can you excuse the muslim statement? i dont like to attribute to malice what can be better explained by ignorance, but if its ignorance then thats even worse for a presidential candidate.

im just so confused about what im going to hate more, when trump comes here on the 24th or the +100 guardian articles about it. where did this left/right shit even come from? what do pro-social-mobility high-welfare totalitarians sit any more? ive seen SJW's call zizek a fascist and someone today called orwell right wing. fml

>> No.7380098 [View]
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i can tell if you're serious

>> No.6843610 [View]
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regret taking spanish. I took it because i live in california, unbeknownst to me it means nothing and i never use it. Had i taken french I could have learned enough to read literature ;_;

>> No.6560571 [View]
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