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>> No.9619602 [View]
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>A blurry issue for sure but I wouldn't really condemn either action.
Well, I would. There's a reason we remember Vlad Tepes, and that's because what he did was horrific and gruesome. I don't think it's a price worth paying no matter what you're buying. I would say the same about nuking Japan. It may have been expedient at the time, but it's going to have echoes for a long, long time to come. The only real benefit I can see to atrocities like these is to serve as an example for what we SHOULDN'T ever do.

The thing is, if you choose to let Islam or whatever other system pass away of its own momentum, that could take decades, if not centuries. Those are years in which countless people are going to suffer. You're right that things will change either way in time, as they would likely change regardless of whether you're dealing with a good system or a bad one. Sooner or later, shit falls apart. But many will suffer and die in the interim. I'm certain that most reasonable people under Islam wish a secular power came in and gave them the freedom they desire (which is why they flee), just as many trapped under the USSR hoped the Americans would dismantle Communism once and for all. I am thinking about those people, because they're the ones that matter.

I think the basic idea of bringing Muslims into the West is that once they're purified and help bring about a new form of Islam, you can ship that back to the homeland and give them a system that's better but still theirs. Whether or not this will work only time will tell.
But I don't know if the West is committing sudoku necessarily. I just think times have changed, and that this kind of all-encompassing, secular, multicultural experiment is the new culture. I'm sure that's what they think and feel anyway. We don't have any immigrants here so I don't have a strong opinion on this one way or the other. In theory, I have no problem with taking in as many immigrants as it takes if it keeps them safe. But they have to be people worth taking, that want change and are willing to work for it. Taking in ISIS-tier towelheads whose first thought upon reaching another land is that they gotta build a mosque and figure out which way faces Mecca is not what I'd consider ideal candidates. They're - perhaps ironically - not only endangering the lives of the natives taking them in, but the immigrants that put in sweat and blood to get away from just such people who are now forced to share neighborhoods with them and then suffer the hostility of natives that mistake them for being the same.

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