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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23214045 [View]
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>>last book you read and thoughts on it
Gawain and the Green knight, Very good, a short read, interesting characters and the language isn't too bad (at least in the version I read)
>>what you’re reading now and thoughts on it
More's Utopia, the first half was okay- the second half when he comes into the workings of utopian society are so divorced from any reality I know that I'm having trouble with it. Some of the concepts I get, but the way more describes utopian society it not only requires man to behave as automata, but also for geographic and ecological constraints to be non-existent. Utopia of people with the necessity of paradise like landscape. Maybe I'm just getting filtered but it's to the point of being nonsensical.
>>next book you are going to read and why
My backlog is huge, probably either "the Last Days of Mankind" on the recommendation of someone on this board, Ben Franklin's Autobiography because it's been on my docket for a while, or Heinlein's the Cat who Walks Through Walls. I greatly enjoyed Starship Troopers, but I couldn't finish Stranger in a Strange Land because it was just too slow for me- Maybe I'll give Stranger another try instead.

>> No.22959394 [View]
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Random passerby in this thread, but you may want to consider investigating Charles Peirces work on tripartite architecture in signification.

There is potentiality, actuality, and tendency extant within material reality. Each one of these constituent elements of reality corresponds with the semiotic essence of one of the decomposible elements of the trinity.

Yes, I am smart.

>> No.22938164 [View]
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I remember when trolling was funny. This place is like a playground for kids.

God, I'm too old for whatever this is anymore.

>> No.22938081 [View]
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I've never read Deluze, idiot. He comes across like a complete schizo.

>> No.22932478 [View]
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Women are not moral agents.

The older I get, the less I regard them as anything but big children.

>> No.22901537 [View]
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If a thread poses a question, such as "Why the X" or "Is X right about ..." then it should result in an instant permanent ban.

Does anyone disagree with me?

>> No.22900951 [View]
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Something you have to keep in mind is that Jewish genes are quite literally just genes which code for aggressive in group preference and collective narcissistic psychopathy towards the out group.

You can't ever really get rid of "the Jews" because the Jew is a metaphysical entity. Expel the Jews from a city and the ruling class will rapidly convergently evolve its own Jewy genes which code for the same behaviors that made the Jews successful in their ecological niche. For as long as there is man, there shall be the Jew.

>> No.22865519 [View]
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Good question, dog.

The unconscious can produce all manner of evil ideas and impulses, and classically speaking most cultures attribute them to the work of the devil, demons, or Satan himself. The relationship one has to the shadow side dictates the nature of these impulses, and the unconscious plays a compensatory role in the vast majority of instances of conscious attitude. Consider the well established psychodynamic relationship between criminals and the police. Each is the others shadow, and police officers are in essence tasked with hunting down and persecuting incarnations of their own repressed criminality. Criminals are, therefore, persecuted and harassed by their repressed conscience. It takes a very nuanced soul to balance both the inner criminality with the dogmas of culture.

The ego plays the deciding factor, friend. The unconscious is beyond good and evil, it simply presents the case for whatever aspect of your psyche you've failed to take into the equation when rendering a judgement. The fear of God, the unconscious, is the beginning of wisdom for this reason. It's perfectly possible for people to become completely insane through misunderstanding impulses from the unconscious. Many schizophrenics, for example, slide into psychosis through attributing too much a value of reality to thoughts which co-occur alongside random events, such as car horns, random noises throughout the home, and colors of clothing being worn by strangers. The ego needs to face reality, and truth, so as to figure its way through the maze of unconscious nonsense and retrieve from within oneself the kernels of wisdom hidden amongst the insanity.

>> No.22760014 [View]
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Honestly? No.

>> No.22734542 [View]
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Your relationship to women is identical with your relationship to life itself.

To hate women is to hate life, as for a woman to hate men is to hate the generative principle.

>> No.22724728 [View]
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Pass the server.
I need to talk with the anointed one.

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