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>> No.20004742 [View]
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Let’s analyze the facts. There are 3 main reasons why a group as small as 1st century Christians would want to propagate a plot of this magnitude.

Money. The women. The power.

We will see if they have benefited from any of these things.

1) money: Did the apostles become rich after having founded Christianity ?

Jesus' disciples followed this command: “You have received freely, give freely. ”(Matthew 10: 8).

Is there any evidence that the disciples were asking to be paid for their services ?

when the sorcerer Simon saw the miraculous powers possessed by the apostles Peter and John, he asked them to pass them on to him for a sum of money. But Peter rebuked him, saying: “May your money perish with you, because you have thought of making yourself master, by money, of the free gift of God. ”- Acts 8: 18-20.

The apostle Paul manifested a state of mind similar to that of Peter. He could have afforded to be in charge of his fellow Christians in Corinth. Yet he worked with his hands to provide for himself (Acts 18: 1-3).

Because of this, he could confidently say that he had preached the good news to the Corinthians “for free”. - 1 Corinthians 4:12; 9:18.

Evidence shows us that Christians voluntarily contributed financially to help brothers and sisters in need, and apostles and other reputable Christians distributed this money in all churches to help the poor and needy.

1 Corinthians 16: 2,3
Every first day of the week, each of you put something aside according to your means, so that no collections are made when I arrive. And when I am there, I will send to Jerusalem the men whom you recommend in your letters to bring your kindly gift there.

Conclusion: no, Christianity did not make its founders rich

>> No.19726393 [View]
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Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Jude, James and Peter

Though there is evidence that Matthew was first written in Hebrew and later translated into Greek

>> No.19625500 [View]
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>Anyone can go online and find out why the Bible isn't reliable, for instance, that Gospels were written anonymously

Regarding his record of the events in Jesus’ life, the apostle John wrote: “He that has seen it has borne witness, and his witness is true, and that man knows he tells true things, in order that you also may believe.”—John 19:35.

One reason to trust the Gospel accounts recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is that they were written while many eyewitnesses to the events they describe were still alive.

According to some sources, the Gospel of Matthew was written as early as the eighth year after Christ’s death, that is, about 41 C.E.

Many scholars favor a somewhat later date, but there is general agreement that all the books of the Christian Greek Scriptures were written during the first century C.E.

People who saw Jesus while he was alive on earth, witnessed his death, and observed his resurrection could verify the Gospel accounts. They could also easily expose any inaccuracies if there had been such. Professor F. F. Bruce observes: “One of the strong points in the original apostolic preaching is the confident appeal to the knowledge of the hearers; they not only said, ‘We are witnesses of these things,’ but also, ‘As you yourselves also know’ (Acts 2:22).”

>> No.19230486 [View]
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>> No.18819104 [View]
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Before his ascenssion Jesus commanded his followers to dhare the gospel to people of all nations (Matthew 24:14).

Jesus was originally to preach only to Jews, because he would die in three years and was to bring back the lost sheep, the Jews, to God. Since they already knew the Bible and who God was.

He occasionally preached to others, a Greeco-Phoenician woman and a Samaritan woman because their faith was so strong.

Then after his death, the door was open to gentiles to know the good news.

The first gentile convert was Cornelius and it was Peter who preached to him.

Jesus predicted that the Jewish system of things would not last (Matthew 24:1,2) and eventually it collapsed in 70 AD when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. Christians now follow the teachings of jesus and his apostles, not the mosaic law.

No jews today can follow the mosaic law, because the jewish system was destroyed by romans in 70 AD so no more priests, no more temple, no more sacrifices etc

This is why it's called the old testament, and this is proof that the messiah had to arrive BEFORE the year 70 AD.

Hence modern jews follow the talmud, not the old testament.

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