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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10522050 [View]
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>wake up at 9, struggle into clothes so i can make it to campus for my 9:30am
>pouring rain but no time to get a jacket
>get to car, tire is flat even though i filled it up the day before, have to get in on the passenger's side because i was t-boned on driver's side and door will not open, engine stalls as i try to start it up
>get to class five minutes late, everyone looks at me, i'm soaked and dressed like a vagrant
>lecture is completely pointless, as are the next two
>walk five minutes to buy a coffee before realizing i left my wallet at home
>get to car, see i've been ticketed
>drive home, not enough time to buy coffee before
>go in for a 5-hour shift at the grocery store where i work, see a bunch of people who go to my school, hope to god they don't see me
>come home, waste the rest of the night on the internet

>it's okay because i don't have to ever hear anglos cackling in the library while i try to study

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