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>> No.22940185 [View]
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It is amazing that we have an actual african nigga right here itt, and all he can do to contribute to the dialogue is post shitty meaningless rhymes that my friends in kindergarten would have done as a joke.

>> No.22288400 [View]
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>>humiliated Fuentes multiple times
>>is the single cause of the left wing dominance of 2020-2022 on the internet
btw the second one isn't because of destiny (can't believe how gay that name is typing it out now), it's because youtube banned everyone right wing after Trump got elected and started astroturfing leftists.

>> No.21869838 [View]
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>I think

Just fyi, your shitskinned tranny opinion on anything other than which butt toy a faggot should buy is totally irrelevant. Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.21568365 [View]
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>rap-liking literal subhuman pretends that he reads
top kek

Let me suggest to you a better use of your time: going back to whatever 3rd world toilet your faggot immigrant parents crawled out of and dying of malaria xD

>> No.21518707 [View]
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>this is how nonwhites cope
No attractive white woman will ever desire you, muttman.

>> No.21514641 [View]
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Wow, I guess that means racial differences don't exist, huh sheboon einstein?

>> No.21471461 [View]
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>enters a thread on ancient civs
>doesn't know what a priest-king is
>gets irrationally angry and types like a retarded 3rd worlder writing bro and literally every other sentence
>runs away

>> No.21425351 [View]
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Man you are something else.

>> No.21383192 [View]
File: 22 KB, 640x479, ppf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thought he was getting books made out of real elepants. I can't stop laughing.

>> No.21028229 [View]
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>> No.21023005 [View]
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>> No.20788660 [View]
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>throwing around words he doesn't understand
>is actually mad
this is exactly what i'm talking about.

I'm sure the trannies will be out soon, with their stinking fuckwounds festering around us all, assuring us Evola was actually pro-trans and a nigger simp like them, because they cannot refute any Traditionalist arguments because they are stupid.

>> No.20746974 [View]
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>tranny subhumans trying to rationally refute Guenon
TOP KEK how stupid are you faggots? don't you idiots realize Guenon's ideas are supra-rational?

btw, why does Guenon make you seethe so hard? have you even read him? just read shitty marx or whatever soulless, meaningless garbage you would normally read, Guenon openly says he does not write for all classes of people, only those few who would constitute an elite. You idiots.

>> No.20734386 [View]
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Imagine the obese, stinky, shitskinned incel that typed this post.

>> No.20732523 [View]
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>how to cope with being brown

>> No.20613256 [View]
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Close the tab ahmed, you got destroyed.

>> No.19872256 [View]
File: 22 KB, 640x479, 37c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Simply put. I'm writing a screenplay for a future animated film I'm working on and I intend to direct it.
good luck with that! HA HA HA HA HA

>> No.18870172 [View]
File: 22 KB, 640x479, Grandpa Laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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