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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21910879 [View]
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A home library is not a showcase of books you have read. It's a collection of books you have read and think you will reread in 10 or 20 or 30 years, books that you keep for research purposes (in whatever fields you're interested in, for example I have a lot of history and art books) and also (I'd say the majority) should be books you want to read at some point.

>> No.19729068 [View]
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>> No.19450275 [View]
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If you want good secondary go elsewhere
If you want Strauss, The City and Man

>> No.18845727 [View]
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It depends, I guess.
My short inquiry into philosophy has mostly been positive so far.
I really got into formal logic and Stoicism. These two things alone has immensely improved my quality of living.
Moreover, I've always found everything related to metaphysics to be more exciting than anything else out there.
>Spend your time learning something useful or soul stirring
Like what?

>> No.18725720 [View]
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>> No.18677252 [View]
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Truly a bookshelf of a lonely soul desperately fighting with nihilism and a lose of self-Identity.
It's sad that women don't see how sensitive and fragile this man probably is. A bit of love is all that is needed to make him happy.

>> No.18632997 [View]
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/lit/'s guide on academic papers; how do you write one?


Premise: Everything I've read and been told seem so awfully particular yet relative depending on what you want to say, especially because everything you read as a lit degree is not written in that form but demands such formal treatment; sometimes it's a glorified summary, still written by yourself, other times just a collection of citations bound together by your 'own' writing.
I'm talking something good and not passing, something that could form wise be accepted at any journal.

For reference: I've always been told that my writing was, quote, whacky becaues of its complexity but interesting and enjoyable to read, yet not at all fit to academic standards.
I am content with that, mainly that it seems like it's at least decent literature, but that doesn't help me at all with my intention to write something which is of a different form, namely, an academic paper which can be easily read and conveys information in a general but not reductionist fashion.


To critique: I feel it is irrelevant here to state that the academic world is nowadays in any way bad and itself irrelevant, because it is not within the capabilities of anyone here to change this. This is further also a known fact to the same academics: but the way in which it is flawed differs, and is here of no value to the actual question. The attitude of "Do what you like and be fine with that, fuck the system; it's all bad anyways." has it's place, but that place is not here.
That is to say, post your honest way of how (you) do write a paper, and not regurgitate the same old same old of do your research and fail until you make it. Ending such a wikipedia level reply with some opinionated expression about how you as a PhD student see the system as irrelevant anyways, and how "future academics should just go and do something youtube, or write some decent literature again, because ultimately no one cares about philosophy."


Note: This is not suppoed to be a blogpost and the further additions after the actual question, which I do think concerns this board's topic, can be ignored at risk of falling into the laid out trap when answering.
I don't mean to sound like a fag but faux superiority is the only cure against contrarianism.

>> No.18456009 [View]
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>wake up
>have sex
>run to store for milk for cereal
>watch movie with gf
>read & cuddle
>get in Zoom philo class
>pack for vacation
>make dinner
>contemplate the finitude of life while experiencing those heart problems after my second covid shot
>consider giving up vaping for the 50th time today
>continue vaping
>contemplate reading more
>think about gf
>browse /lit/ between messaging gf

pic related

>> No.18347654 [View]
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Why doesn't this board ever do book clubs or reading groups?

>> No.18216291 [View]
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I'm an incel. Any good books for me?

>> No.18055206 [View]
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So, I'm going to learn lite-philosophy on my own, and this list is finished, but it may need improvement. I will not sacrifice all my life to philosophy, I want to be able to understand the basic hard stuff. So, I won't be buying 3 volumes (600 pages each) or a giant collected works book with 1000 pages. Also, I'm kinda too poor for that. I will keep it simple. But if I would ever get EXTREMELY interested in philosophy think of the money I wasted on small books. Take Plato: Collected Works as an example it got everything, and I will be having eight dialogues books, and if I buy the Collected Works which contains those eight dialogues imagine what a goddamn waste. I'm very insecure about that, I want to learn philosophy, but what if it becomes like that? Anyways.
Let's start.

Mythology - Edith Hamilton
The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists
A Plato Reader: Eight Essential Dialogues
Aristotle: Selections
The Epicurus Reader: Selected Writings and Testimonia
>(Dialogues and Essays)
>(Discourses, Fragments, Handbook - Robin Hard)
>(Meditations: with selected correspondence)
>(I might skip Stoicism as philosophy, but not as a new approach to life, but then Stoicism, a must?!)

Augustine: Confessions
Augustine: On the Free Choice of the Will, On Grace and Free Choice, and Other Writings
Aquinas: Selected Philosophical Writings
>(Now, I'm not a religious Christian, but I'm a cultural Christian, but not a catholic one. I'm protestant, so...just so you know)

Descartes: Selected Philosophical Writings
Spinoza: Ethics: with The Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect and Selected Letters
Leibniz: Philosophical Essays
Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Berkeley: Philosophical Writings
Hume: The Essential Philosophical Works

>(Now this is a section, I'm really invested in, politics.)
The Essential Writings of Machiavelli
Discourses on Livy
Hobbes: Leviathan
Locke: Two Treatises of Government
Rousseau: The Basic Political Writings
Montesquieu: The Spirit of the Laws
Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France
Maistre: Considerations on France
Stuart Mill: On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays

Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics: and the Letter to Marcus Herz, February 1772
Critique of Pure Reason
Kant: Critique of Practical Reason
Kant: Political Writings
Fichte: Introductions to the Wissenschaftslehre and Other Writings (1797-1800)
The Schelling Reader
Hegel: The Philosophy of History
The Encyclopaedia Logic: Part I of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences with the Zustze
Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
Hegel: Elements of the Philosophy of Right
Outlines of the Philosophy of Right
>(How to start with Hegel is so confusing)

>> No.17772285 [View]
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I'm moving my library in the bedroom to avoid pleb guests commenting on it.

>> No.16860164 [View]
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>> No.16759423 [View]
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How can you even be a librarian if you hate actual books? That's like being a taxi driver and not having a driver's license. How can you elevate trash and worship mediocrity?

>> No.16028670 [View]
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>> No.15981358 [View]
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If you're so smart then why can't you go on a diet, blob?

>> No.15931586 [View]
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>author hasn't been executed for corrupting society

>> No.15924590 [View]
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The Apology

>> No.15890975 [View]
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>> No.15495392 [View]
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It's a quick and fun read.

>zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

>> No.14995293 [View]
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>> No.14163168 [View]
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lmao, nothing I say is right. Oh well. Enjoy being alone I guess?

>> No.13468293 [View]
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>> No.13455121 [View]
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A developer owned a 240-acre parcel of land zoned for commercial and residential use. He prepared and recorded, after obtaining approval from all appropriate agencies, a subdivision plan that included a commercial center and a number of lots for single- and multi-family residences. The list of covenants, conditions, and restrictions recorded with the plan included provisions that required every building constructed in the subdivision to be of “simulated adobe style” architecture approved in advance by an association. A year later, the developer sold many of the lots in the commercial center, including several to a real estate firm. Each deed prepared by the developer contained a reference to the design restriction in the recorded plan. The developer also sold almost all of the residential lots, the deeds of which contained the same reference to the restriction. The following year, the real estate firm sold one of its lots to a burger franchise. The deed contained no reference to the design restriction. The franchise’s prefabricated restaurant, complete with a giant burger logo mounted on the roof, was constructed over the weekend.

A merchant, an original purchaser of one of the commercial lots, owned the lot next to the burger franchise. She did not learn of construction of the restaurant until she came in to work on Monday, and saw the giant burger logo. The merchant brings an action seeking a mandatory injunction compelling the burger franchise to demolish the restaurant. At trial, the merchant proves that the burger franchise did not seek or obtain approval of the association for its building.

Should the court issue the injunction?

A No, because destruction of the restaurant would be a tremendous waste of resources.

B No, because the burger franchise’s deed contained no restriction on the type of building that could be constructed on the lot.

C Yes, because the restrictive covenant runs with the land.

D Yes, unless the burger franchise can establish to the court’s satisfaction that its restaurant design has at least as much aesthetic merit as any “simulated adobe style” design.

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