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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.3465205 [View]
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it's hard to explain, but we are triying to unify all the differents countries systems to build a unique system for the university carresrs. Now what is important in U is to obtain a job, not to learn, people in letter carreers don't care about read and learn, so classees are turning boring, just like high school. u can not talk, u can not tell your opinions based in reflexions, just memorize, do your exams (most are tests) and finish your carrer with a job (no job now with crisis) and no idea of whatever are you studying

>> No.3032541 [View]
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I have a writing assignment due tomorrow. I was absent the day it was assigned, the only information I have on it is that it has to do with someone who is shipwrecked and has the option of becoming a god or going home. Could you give me the story this is from so that I can read it and do the assignment?

Pic unrelated

>> No.2258039 [View]
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>You know that to disprove something the burden of proof is on you? How do you disprove something that doesn't exist?

No. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim of existence. The other way around it would be silly; one would have to believe all the claims men can whip out and then work to disprove them all to discern what's true and what's not.

>I don't believe in gods, but I can't say that it logically follows that one does not exist.

"There is no evidence at all for one." is my logical argument for the non-existance of gods.

>You don't need undergrad philosophy to do away with juvenile, God-is-a-big-man-with-a-beard-on-a-cloud religion. And that's the only kind of relgion the new-atheists are interesting in arguing against. Because beyond that things get exponentially more complicated, subtle and murky and science really does -at least in its present state of devlopment- have fuck all of interest or value to say on the matter.

Science (at least) does not investigate things that do not exist, nor can it because of the lack of observational material. But you seem to be implying that there are "higher religions". Could you elaborate on these, and are these any more true then Michelangelos' visions of the Christian Father being a bearded man on a cloud?

>> No.1511203 [View]
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Dear /lit/, I need to do an essay for a college summer program.
Either a 500 word essay that shows original thought or a 1500 word essay about a literary character/historical figure who set a difficult, complex goal for himself or herself and I must show how the goal was soon reached, what consequences flowed from it, and what we can learn from it. I was thinking about along the lines of Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Friedrich Nietze, Jean Jacques, Niccolo Machiavelli or maybe people like Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, or Julius Caesar..... Maybe Confucius?
Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Henry Ford, JFK, and such are historical figures but they're too modern although they could make a great essay too.
What does /lit/ think I should write about?

>> No.1199189 [View]
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help me with my thesis statement please, /lit/

I am comparing a poem about a man that tries to convince his mistress to be with him if he gives her everything to a play about a stubborn yet passionate woman trying to overthrow a kings unjust law

my thesis is:
"a decision based solely on self promotion, love and passion will lead to ones own downfall."

the poem is "The passionate shepherd to his love"
by christopher marlowe
the play/novel is Antigone by Sophocles

>> No.725417 [View]
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>> No.678910 [View]
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Bumping with quotes

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