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>> No.17325675 [View]
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Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I.

Meditation means undoing what society has done to you. It has reduced you to a machine; you have to de-automatise yourself, you have to become a man again. You have to come out of this state of unconsciousness, of mechanicalness. You have to come out of this sleep. It is possible only through meditation. There is no other way, there has never been, there will never be. The only way to reduce a man to a machine is take away his consciousness force him to function unconsciously. And just the opposite is the way of meditation: give him back his consciousness.

Always remember to judge everything by your inner feeling of bliss.

Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy, because the belief system becomes the barrier for your eyes, you cannot see the truth.

Never sacrifice your life for anything! Sacrifice everything for life! Life is the ultimate goal.

Withdraw your awareness from everywhere and just let it rest within yourself, and you have arrived home.

My whole teaching consists of two words, meditation and love. Meditate so that you can feel immense silence, and love so that your life can become a song, a dance, a celebration.

Listening means forgetting yourself completely - only then can you listen.

Comparison is a very foolish attitude because each person is unique and incomparable. Once this understanding settles in you, jealousy disappears.

Happiness is one pole, sadness is another. Blissfulness is one pole, misery is another. Life consists of both, and life is richer because of both. A life only of blissfulness will have an extension, but will not have depth. A life of only sadness will have depth, but will not have extension.


>> No.16584742 [View]
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>redpill me on Osho
He fucks bitches and makes money.

>> No.16123020 [View]
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>shut the fuck up then damn

One of the great logicians of our times, Ludwig Wittgenstein, has written a book on pure logic. He was a strange person, verging on the mystic side, but never saying anything about it. Only once in a while, writing about logic, he would give certain indications which show that he was aware that there is much more to existence than just logic. In this book, Tractatus, he says, "One should not say anything about something which is inexpressible."

I wrote him a letter. I was a student and I wrote him a letter saying, "If you are true, you should not have said this much even. You say, 'One should not say anything about the inexpressible' - but you are already saying something about it. You are saying, 'It is inexpressible.' You are already giving some indication."

My professor of logic said, "You have been torturing me, now you have started torturing faraway people. He lives in Germany, now_it is none of your business to harass people."

I said, "I am not harassing him, I am simply saying that if he really means it then he should remove this sentence."

He was one of the best minds. Even his own teacher, Bertrand Russell, had recognized him as a better logician than himself. But he never replied to me, because to reply to me would have meant he had to remove that sentence from the book. There is no logical defense about it. Whatever you say, you are saying something. Even if you say, "Nothing can be said about it," you are still saying something about it. So logic has its own subtleties.

>> No.16099681 [View]
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What would a world constructed in OSHO's image look like?

>World population would be 1 billion maximum.

>No nations/countries at all

>One world government

>Drugs decriminalized

>Prostitution legalized

>Nuclear weapons don't exist at all

>No organized religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaiam, Hinduism

>Yoga, Meditation and dance centers all over the world everywhere

>no corrupt politicians

>Therapists and psychologists don't exist (psychoanalysis is a jewish scam made by sigmund freud to make money doing fuck all)

I can think of some more

>> No.16089951 [View]
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>> No.16022796 [View]
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I have among my sannyasins forty percent Jews.

I love Jews more than I love anybody else for the simple reason that they have suffered the most; they deserve the love of everyone. For centuries they have been suffering being killed, burned, raped_ everything ugly and inhuman has been done to them. How can I be anti-Semitic? This is how your yellow journalism goes on spreading lies.

I have made a statement about Adolf Hitler which has been distorted. I have said that Adolf Hitler and Mahatma Gandhi are not very different. Immediately journalists thought I am admiring Adolf Hitler, comparing him with Mahatma Gandhi. I was simply condemning Mahatma Gandhi - but it seems stupidity has no limits.

>> No.15372970 [View]
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It is a revolution in the world of religions. Buddha created a religion without God. For the first time God is no longer at the center of a religion. Man becomes the center of religion, and man's innermost being becomes godliness, for which you have not to go anywhere - you have simply stopped going outside. Remain for a few moments within, slowly, slowly settling at your center. The day you are settled at the center, the explosion happens.

So my message is: understand Gautam Buddha, but don't be a Buddhist. Do not follow. Let the understanding be absorbed by your intelligence, but let it become yours. The moment it becomes yours, it starts transforming you. Until then it has remained Gautam Buddha's, and there is twenty-five centuries distance. You can go on repeating Buddha's words - they are beautiful, but they will not help you to attain what you are after.

>> No.15339799 [View]
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You cannot believe all this; it is too much. You are accustomed to being condemned, you are accustomed to being punished, you are accustomed to being rejected, you are accustomed to not being accepted as you are. These things you can take very easily.

Love will have a tremendous impact on you because you will have to go through a great transformation before you can receive it. First you have to accept yourself without any guilt. You are not a sinner as the Christians and other religions go on teaching you.

You don't see the stupidity of the whole thing. Some guy far away in the past, one Adam, disobeyed God - which is not much of a sin. In fact, he was absolutely right to disobey him. If anybody committed a sin it was God, by prohibiting his own son, his own daughter, from eating the fruit of knowledge and eating the fruit of eternal life. What kind of father? What kind of God? What kind of love?

Love demands that God should have told Adam and Eve: "Before you eat anything else, these two trees have to be remembered. Eat as much from the Tree of Wisdom and eat as much from the Tree of Eternal Life as you like, so that you can also be in the same space of immortality in which I am."

That should be a simple thing for anyone who loves. But God prohibiting Adam from wisdom means he wants him to remain ignorant. Perhaps he is jealous, afraid, apprehensive that if Adam becomes wise, he will become equal to him. He wants to keep Adam in his ignorance so that he remains inferior. If he eats the fruit of eternal life, then he will be a god himself.

This God who prevented Adam and Eve must have been very jealous, utterly ugly, inhuman, unloving. And if all these things are not sin, then what can sin be? But religions have been teaching you, Jews and Christians and Mohammedans, that you are still carrying the sin that Adam committed. There is a limit to stretching lies out for so long. Even if Adam had committed a sin, you cannot carry it. According to these religions, you were created by God but you are not carrying godliness. You are carrying Adam and Eve's disobedience.

This is the Western way to condemn you: you are a sinner. The Eastern way comes to the same conclusion but from different premises. They say everybody is loaded with immense sin and evil deeds, committed in millions of past lives. In fact, the burden of a Christian or a Jew or a Mohammedan is far less. You are only carrying the sin that Adam and Eve committed. And it must have become very diluted, centuries upon centuries. You are not a direct inheritor of Adam and Eve's sin. It has passed through many millions of hands: by now the quantity must be almost homeopathic!

>> No.15182077 [View]
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Thats awesome. Do people smoke Cannabis at the festivals?

>> No.15028793 [View]
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>not getting western bitches to fuck you in your rolls royces for free


>> No.15006630 [View]
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use a different picture

>> No.14953287 [View]
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God bless you too

>> No.14317693 [View]
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I don't like reading books.

>> No.14211342 [View]
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Freud lived with ordinary human ambition, with a political mind. He was trying to make psychoanalysis a movement just like communism, and he wanted to control it. Just like any Lenin or Stalin, or even more dominatingly, he tried to control it. He even declared Jung to be his successor - and look at Jung's pictures! Whenever I come upon a picture of Jung, I always look at it very deeply; it is a rare thing. Look at Jung's pictures and you will see the ego written on his face. Look at his nose, the eyes, the cunningness, the anger, the ambition; every illness is written on the face. He lived as an ordinary, fear-ridden man. He was very afraid of spirits, ghosts, and very jealous, competitive, argumentative, quarrelsome.

The West really does not know what self-realization is, so anything can become self-realization. The West is not aware of what self-realization means. It means an absolute silence that cannot be disturbed by anything. How can possessiveness, ambition, jealousy exist in such absolute non-being? How can you dominate a no-mind, how can you try to dominate? Self-realization means the complete disappearance of the ego. And with the ego, everything disappears.

>> No.14154069 [View]
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so u agree wit osho?

>> No.14153946 [View]
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Be yourself. If it's him. Be him

>> No.14092557 [View]
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Because celibacy is unnatural, and religions have divided men and women into different monasteries, they have created the situation for homosexuality. They are the pioneers of homosexuality, and homosexuality has led to AIDS, which cannot be called simply a disease because it does not come in the category of diseases. It is death itself.

So on the one hand religions have created perversions; on the other hand they insisted on monogamy, which in fact means monotony. That has created the profession of the prostitute. The priest is responsible for the prostitute. It is so ugly and sick that we have created objects, commodities, things to be exploited out of so many beautiful women. Even today, it is not understood exactly what sex is. It need not be repressed, because it is your very energy. It has to be transformed certainly; it has to be raised to its highest purity.

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